Zombicide deserves a thread all of its own!
Zombicide is everything you could want from a Zombie game, it's fantastic. Whether the game designers are geniuses or just got lucky, I don't know, but each game plays out exactly like the best Zombie movie/show/video game there is. Last ditch stands, calculated sacrifices, mad dashes for freedom, endless hordes. There's multiple survivor character types each with their own skill set to level up, zombie classes each with their own strengths/weaknesses/stats, detailed map tile pieces, oodles of models, items and weapons to find/combine (rifle with a scope becomes a sniper etc), and an almost infinite number of scenarios/objectives (they're being added daily online by by players and devs) to play. And the best thing about it - everyone I've introduced the game to loves it. We play most weeks and now have too many people. 10 regulars in all - guys and girls ranging from geeky gamers to people who would normally never look at a board game. The models are great - after a 20 year break I'm painting minis at a faster rate that I ever was with Warhammer and 40K - and the add-on packs look to be coming out at a decent rate. I currently have the starting city based game and the prison - the mall, zombie and companion dogs are on the way
I really can't gush about it enough and will be updating this thread with my slowly growing horde of painted zombies. Around 20 done so far - about 200 to go!
Zombicide is everything you could want from a Zombie game, it's fantastic. Whether the game designers are geniuses or just got lucky, I don't know, but each game plays out exactly like the best Zombie movie/show/video game there is. Last ditch stands, calculated sacrifices, mad dashes for freedom, endless hordes. There's multiple survivor character types each with their own skill set to level up, zombie classes each with their own strengths/weaknesses/stats, detailed map tile pieces, oodles of models, items and weapons to find/combine (rifle with a scope becomes a sniper etc), and an almost infinite number of scenarios/objectives (they're being added daily online by by players and devs) to play. And the best thing about it - everyone I've introduced the game to loves it. We play most weeks and now have too many people. 10 regulars in all - guys and girls ranging from geeky gamers to people who would normally never look at a board game. The models are great - after a 20 year break I'm painting minis at a faster rate that I ever was with Warhammer and 40K - and the add-on packs look to be coming out at a decent rate. I currently have the starting city based game and the prison - the mall, zombie and companion dogs are on the way
I really can't gush about it enough and will be updating this thread with my slowly growing horde of painted zombies. Around 20 done so far - about 200 to go!