
30 Sep 2003
Zombicide deserves a thread all of its own!



Zombicide is everything you could want from a Zombie game, it's fantastic. Whether the game designers are geniuses or just got lucky, I don't know, but each game plays out exactly like the best Zombie movie/show/video game there is. Last ditch stands, calculated sacrifices, mad dashes for freedom, endless hordes. There's multiple survivor character types each with their own skill set to level up, zombie classes each with their own strengths/weaknesses/stats, detailed map tile pieces, oodles of models, items and weapons to find/combine (rifle with a scope becomes a sniper etc), and an almost infinite number of scenarios/objectives (they're being added daily online by by players and devs) to play. And the best thing about it - everyone I've introduced the game to loves it. We play most weeks and now have too many people. 10 regulars in all - guys and girls ranging from geeky gamers to people who would normally never look at a board game. The models are great - after a 20 year break I'm painting minis at a faster rate that I ever was with Warhammer and 40K - and the add-on packs look to be coming out at a decent rate. I currently have the starting city based game and the prison - the mall, zombie and companion dogs are on the way :)

I really can't gush about it enough and will be updating this thread with my slowly growing horde of painted zombies. Around 20 done so far - about 200 to go!
I recently bought this & have played a few games with friends, while I agree it's a good game we are finding it a little easy TBH, we've not lost a game yet & only suffered a couple of casualties through silly error mainly due to being fuzzy on a couple of rules.
I recently got a copy of this and it so far other than a few misread rules it's all good :D

Only played 3 games due to time constraints, player constraints and me being ill and sleeping all day instead but not lost a game yet....

Doug did have a heroic last stand defending the rest of the team though:


1 chainsaw, 4 actions and something like 17 walkers....possible to kill them all but it would take some mighty good rolls....


Sadly those 5's didn't come up anything like enough, RIP Doug!
I recently bought this & have played a few games with friends, while I agree it's a good game we are finding it a little easy TBH, we've not lost a game yet & only suffered a couple of casualties through silly error mainly due to being fuzzy on a couple of rules.

The included missions vary in difficulty a fair deal, but yeah, if you play cautiously and don't get scuppered at the start, some do become too easy. Try starting in a higher alert rating - it makes a difference. We also don't use the cars that kill zombies and take quite a few risks :) It gets more interesting with the new zombie types too - the berserkers that can only be killed by melee and the toxic that wound if you kill them in the same zone (haven't tried these yet). The ultra red alert setting too.

Sadly those 5's didn't come up anything like enough, RIP Doug!

He went out like a champ! Nice pics :)
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Me and the Wife are wanting add this to our collection at christmas. Currently we are heavy on Fantasy stuff, Talisman, Relic, Runebound, WoW:BG & Dungeon Quest.
Damn you Wil Wheato..... Warbie!

So, after not knowing anything about this game until you posted this thread... I've just done some searching, saw some good reviews about it... and purchased it!

I'm sure the missus will be happy with another board game arriving... :S
Damn you Wil Wheato..... Warbie!

So, after not knowing anything about this game until you posted this thread... I've just done some searching, saw some good reviews about it... and purchased it!

I'm sure the missus will be happy with another board game arriving... :S

My job is done here :D

Hope you like it man - I've never enjoyed opening a new board game as much.
Damn, just saw how expensive this is on Amazon. Is it really worth £60?
I'd say it was worth the money, you get a lot of nice minitures & decent quality cards/boards plus their is a free app you can download which helps run the game & it has a hell of a lot of replay value but then I suppose it all depends on how much you are likley to play it really, I think I've had value for money out of it.
I'd say it was worth the money, you get a lot of nice minitures & decent quality cards/boards plus their is a free app you can download which helps run the game & it has a hell of a lot of replay value but then I suppose it all depends on how much you are likley to play it really, I think I've had value for money out of it.

Agreed. If you can get 3-6 people together for games, it's cheap for what you get. Loads of models, enough for a proper horde, quality map tiles, tokens, player/item cards. It makes most of the cheaper £30-40 boardgames I own look like poor value for money. A word of warning though - you will want Prison Outbreak and the Mall once you've had your fill of the base game :)

It's a great game but the rules for some of the missions are really flawed, I had more fun once I started including some fan changes from boardgamegeeks.

Out of interest, is it general rule changes you've made, or more mission specific? The only thing we've changed is how effective cars are (they are just way too good once you realise you can reverse to and fro over zombies) and starting at a higher threat level if things seem too easy. I haven't come across anything I consider to be broken, though, and have done about 30 missions so far over the season 1 and 2 games.
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Mostly mission specific, like the mission with the two noisy doors....is terribly designed. Noise tokens make that a ***** to play. First time I played it we lost in like 5 turns. At the opposite end of the scale is the mission with the windy street where you can just walk through uncontested for most of it as there is no need to go into the buildings.

A couple of others I've tweaked to make slightly easier when playing with new players, Zombicide can really punish you if you try and play some of the missions at default while learning the game.
Had my despatch notification from Amazon for this - so looks like it'll be delivered tomorrow or Monday :)

So... will this be my introduction to painting miniatures...
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