Ducati reliability...

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Well, I've had enough now, I praised and praised the Multistrada 1200 but it has let me down in a huge way. And sadly, it's the final straw with Ducati for me.

I'm hoping I won't have to cover all costs as it's something I shouldn't have to pay to fix.

In short, the 4th gear is knocking when it's engaged, it's as though the bearings on 4th have failed entirely and the gear it's self is just rattling around.

The bike has done just over 10k miles, I bought it when it had 6k in November. It's a 2011 S Touring model. Full and complete stamped service history.

This bike is meant to be a tank in Ducati's range... I am also meant to be heading to Wales this afternoon on it with my girlfriend. Her car has an emissions issue so we are scrambling around trying to find a mode of transport. But by the looks of it, our first 'holiday' together has been ruined.

I'm really dissapointed in the bike, it's been ****ing fantastic. Up until now, I thought it would finally be a Ducati I owned that would be without fault with nothing but basic user service and scheduled garage services.

But no, I even had a test ride booked in for a Panigale 899 next weekend. I've cancelled that, I'm washing my hands with Ducati and once I get the news on who is paying what (me or Ducati), depending on the outcome, I will make my story widely known if they don't play ball.

Selling the bike once it's repaired and calling it a day.

Absolutely gutted. Not because it's broken, but because it's let me down and let my girlfriend down who was really looking forward to her first weekend away on a motorbike.
I have to admit I've never really got the fascination with Ducati. I've read so many reports of poor running and failures that I don't see why people pay over the odds for what appears to be a sub-standard bike.

Hope you get sorted soon.
Sadly, I've always loved Ducati's and the way they ride. I've tried multiple Jap bikes and the likes and never really found anything that excites me in the same way sadly. It's hard to explain.

It's just finally got to me, I've always defended Ducati, with the common issues and their terrible rusting, I've always stood by. But this time round, a new 2011 bike and it has a gearbox failure... It simply isn't on.
To be fair, every make, model in every country can have mechanical problems - not just Ducati.

Here is a a forum post about the Multistrada alternative style bike - a BMW 1200GS showing gearbox problems with models less than a year old.


If you love the bikes so much, I wouldn't be so quick to throw everything out of the pram. I have had brand new Suzukis that had issues, a Kawasaki that developed engine problems within 12 months, multiple cars over the years that developed faults and also a few surprises - my Ducati so far has been fine, as was my Honda used bike before it. It just seems like luck of the draw with mechanical stuff!

I had a 2008 VW Golf that developed issues, but now have a 1997 Mazda which is bullet proof!
Well, here is my track record with Ducati bikes:

Ducati 748S #1

  1. Constant issues with HT leads causing front cylinder misfire
  2. Fuel sensor buggered resulting in no fuel light
  3. Rockers needed to be replaced

Ducati 748S #2

  1. HT lead issues again
  2. Complete and utter engine failure due to split crank
  3. Rocker replacement
  4. Engine rebuild because of the above, £3k+ engine rebuild

Ducati 1098S

  1. Fueling issues causing low RPM issues and rough riding
  2. Front Ohlins fork seals going within the first 200 miles of ownership

And now the Multistrada 1200S

  1. Balls
Italian bikes absolutely stunning styling but sadly they are made too weak

shame really but that's why I wont ever buy another Italian bike,their cars are exactly the same

just turned 54k miles on my jap bike which says a lot
Borrow my 996 if you like.

It just needs..
battery charging
(alternator has now been replaced after loom, rectifier and battery all replaced)
chain and sprockets replacing (they're in a box)
oh and you'll need a dual seat

Damn thing is currently my most expensive garden ornament.
I haven't ridden it for over a year after spending more time with the RAC than riding it the year before.

I've only ridden a couple of dukes, but there's just something about them, the engine feel, the sound, the only better feeing I've had is on a Honda cog driven cam V4.

I was put off a 848 when I was looking due to some of the horror stories :(
My mate picked up his new 899 and with one hour was stood at the side of the road....

My dad has a duc and calls it 'character'. I call it unreliable and a pain in the ass.
Heard all sorts of stories but as others have said there are other bikes out there. Why not go mad and book a weekend of testing all the bikes you can think of. You never know you might find something that you like ;)

Why not try:

Suzuki TL1000
Honda SP1 /SP2 / Firestorm
Buell Firebolt (?)
Triumph Daytona / speed triple
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i always find the more exotic brands like Ducati and Aprillia etc just don't fare too well when you want to use them as more than a fair weather toy.

I used to have an RSV1000r which i used as my daily commute, rode all year round, the problems started to develop with it about half way through its first winter and although it got through by the following spring it was driving me insane so i had to get rid of it.

The thing i loved when you first got the multistrada Agnes was those pics you took of it caked in mud after a nice off roading time :)

It made me think thank god someone bought a ducati who didn't just want to keep it covered till the sun came out. Sorry to hear the issues you have had.

Did you consider hiring a bike for your holiday? Get yourself a nice sports tourer for a few days and forget the duke
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Never again will i own a Ducati, i had a 748 that was made by one of Satan minions. Spent more time being broken than on the road. I too got suckered in by there ooooooooo its a Ducati oooooooooo its a Ducati.

Nice to look at though will grant ye that.
Agnes, if you're really desperate I'll take your girlfriend on holiday on my bike. I'm just a nice kind of guy :P.

On a serious, I am sad to hear this. I know how you like the thing otherwise.

If you tax and insure... and MOT my car you could take that... but you can't damn drive!

Feasible to rent a bike?
I've never owned one so can't comment, but sorry to hear your weekend has been ruined. See if somewhere will let you have a weekend test ride perhaps?
Doesn't matter how good it looks or how much it costs if it isn't reliable it's not worth ****. Gutted for ya.
Not good mate. Have got a 2013 a touring and touch wood mechanically no issues but had only done 1000 miles. My only complaint at present is the finish. Several bolts are already showing signs of rust as are the rear wheel bolts and sprocket bolts. The chain also is showing signs of rust on the side plates.
Will be pushing for replacement at first main service under warrenty
I do live on the coast and ride all year round but with Ducati now being owned by audi I was hoping for slightly better. But that said its the best bike I've had in my opinion, had gs's, hayabusas, fire blades ect.

This is my 2nd Ducatii with lasat being a mint 2003 999s. Had no issues with that apart from reluctant starting cured by decent quality battery.
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Cheers guys for all the offers lol. We are here now after my girlfriend driving for the best part of 6 hours!

Time to relax and forget about the bag of bolts and red paint at home.

Psalmist, I hate to tell you this. Every single ducati, new or old will rust. Fur on aluminium is beyond common. Treat the bike with ACF 50, it's the only way of keeping it rust free. And keep on top of it! I've learnt the hard way.
Cheers guys for all the offers lol. We are here now after my girlfriend driving for the best part of 6 hours!

Time to relax and forget about the bag of bolts and red paint at home.

Psalmist, I hate to tell you this. Every single ducati, new or old will rust. Fur on aluminium is beyond common. Treat the bike with ACF 50, it's the only way of keeping it rust free. And keep on top of it! I've learnt the hard way.

My 999 didn't have a spot of rust on it but it didn't go out in anything but sunny weather. The multi was treated to acf50 within 2 days of buying it.
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