Destiny Multiplayer Thread - it came from the moon...

27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)

Ok so two weeks to go so time to make this thread - if you can put your details in green and the following format it would help me out (easier to spot):

Platform - Forum name - PSN ID /XBL Gamertag - If you use voice comms - Main character class (if known) - If you have the expansion pass

Optional: Playing times and what you want out of destiny

PS4 - ps3ud0 - polynomial007 - Yes - Warlock - Yes

I can play from about 7ish most evenings - ill be playing this and FIFA Club for the forseeable future

Also dont forget theres also an OcUK clan too - sign up here

26/08/2014 - Made thread
04/09/2014 - NB: Anything thats not a definite Yes/No Im taking as a No for the sake of clarity
07/09/2014 - Didnt realise how awful normal green is on the blue theme, changed to lime - added info about the expansion pass
08/09/2014 - Mildly gloated ;)
10/09/2014 - Fixed the table formatting so easier to read
14/09/2014 - Please review this post regards adding Raid/Special strike availability times to the table
19/09/2014 - Updated example

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Platform - Forum name - PSN ID /XBL Gamertag - If you use voice comms - Main character class (if known) - If you have the expansion pass

* - are links to peoples general playing times and/or destiny commitments

FORUM                - PSN                  - VOICE - CLASS      - EXPASS1 - EXPASS2

ps3ud0 [URL=""]*[/URL]             - polynomial007        - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     - 
Kreeeee              - Kreeeee              - Yes   - ?          - Yes     -
Lateralus68          - Lateralus-68         - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
redrooster303        - redrooster303        - Yes   - Titan?     - No      -
Drunzer              - Drunzer              - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -

XeNoN89              - XeNoN89              - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -
Tallunis             - Tallunis             - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -
oHUTCHYo             - oHUTCHYo             - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
Zhokel               - Zhokel               - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -
BG1980               - BG1888               - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -

Reeve                - Righteous_Rabbit     - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -
Paul_M               - Turbo_Nuter          - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -
Meths                - meths                - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -
Blairw               - blaiRloch            - Yes   - ?          - Yes     -
branddaly            - hazey_flakes         - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -

Atlas23              - Blazin2323           - Yes   - ?          - No      -
tony888              - tony888t             - Yes   - ?          - No      -
Jase                 - TheElite             - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
blitzwing85 [URL=""]*[/URL]        - FallenEden           - Yes   - ?          - Yes     -
RedStarRiot          - RedStarRiot          - Yes   - Titan?     - No      -

GoodgreefSheepy      - GoodgreefSheepy      - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -
welshdapper          - madcapghost          - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
wattsy [URL=""]*[/URL]             - chewie9967           - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -
Deathjumps           - Deathjumps           - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -
jdwhalley            - jwhalley             - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -

Bhoya                - Bhoya                - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -
Greboth              - Greeboth             - Yes   - Warlock?   - No      -
R3d Zombie           - r3d-zombie-          - Yes   - ?          - No      -
beachBOYken          - beachboyken          - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
Lord_Zed             - Lord_zed83           - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -

Plainsong            - Alterash             - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -
NeoReloaded          - NeoReloaded          - Yes   - ?          - No      -
Woogie               - Woogieuk             - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -
sharpygsxr           - sharpy_ni            - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
Scythian             - Scyplex              - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -

Davinnicus           - Davinnicus           - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
Chandler_90          - Evil_Par5n1p         - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
mark1989             - Mazzab               - Yes   - ?          - No      -
bananaman            - daggstar             - Maybe - ?          - Yes     -
MachM                - MachM82              - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -

justbeats            - justbeats1           - Yes   - ?          - Yes     -
MOOGLEYS             - MOOGLEYS             - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -
creativ3             - krizie1              - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -
djcj                 - Col_Jacko            - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -
mikeb                - MikeBuk              - Yes   - ?          - No      -

Trick                - trixster045          - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -
JoeBoi               - pleyor               - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
Fez                  - mctrials23           - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
Vtec9k               - Vtec9k               - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
muggs                - muggs786             - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -

chris4652009         - y2blade              - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
UXB                  - Daffy--67            - Yes   - ?          - Yes     -
ShortWarning         - ShortWarning         - Yes   - ?          - No      -
BeanBandit           - Bellyra              - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
antonusklesk         - DJ_Judas             - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -

almostgfx            - almostgfx            - Yes   - ?          - Yes     -
acharris             - acharris77           - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -
Jonny Chee           - jonnychee            - Yes   - ?          - No      -
Cavallino            - Cavallino78          - Yes   - ?          - No      -
maxilive             - Maxi_Live            - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -

Davey_Pitch          - DaveyPitch           - Yes   - ?          - Yes     -
Dano                 - DanoClark            - Maybe - ?          - No      -
caserman             - creepin_jim          - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -
kaotikuk             - MattyPThaG           - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
Screamworker         - JadeYeti             - Yes   - ?          - No      -

soundb0y             - shttypoomcnasty      - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
Jano                 - Zilduk               - No    - Hunter     - No      -
OvEr_KiLL            - OvEr_KiLL31          - No    - Hunter     - No      -
halohippe            - halohippe            - No    - Warlock    - No      -
thedinks             - Schizm100            - Maybe - Warlock    - No      -

ShakeNBake [URL=""]*[/URL]         - ShakeNBakeUK         - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
zoomee               - zoomeez              - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
Grahame              - jimmynaetroots       - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
iamdjdz              - iamdjdz              - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
Soviet               - Fayers59             - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -

Psycho Sonny         - PsychoSonny          - Yes   - None       - Yes     -
Ninja Pirate         - xninjapirate9901     - No    - Warlock    - No      -
iv-tecman            - Astondbr9            - No    - ?          - No      -
Mattewes             - Mattewes             - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
Worthy               - Worthy82             - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -

Biron_w              - Lord_Bir0n           - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -
oneilldo             - FaceBaker            - Maybe - Hunter     - No      -
mel d                - merlinthepike        - Maybe - Warlock    - No      -
TheBDog              - canaryfighter20x     - Maybe - Hunter     - No      -
Wilko_Dog            - Dog_in_the_Fog       - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -

Nick5466             - Batp4ndas            - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -
alpherah             - alpherah             - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
Raymond Lin          - Raymond_Lin          - Yes   - ?          - No      -
Ade74                - Arian74              - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -
Bulletv1             - ralling              - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -

Jon20                - Thundery0308         - No    - Titan      - No      -
minefields           - deanoooo1983         - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
nantucket66          - dagb                 - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -
LoopyOrc             - LoopyOrc             - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
Stev                 - Aenrion              - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -

cm1179               - MUTANT-CRANE         - No    - Warlock    - No      -
Hixxy0               - Hixx                 - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
oweneades            - OweO                 - Yes   - ?          - Yes     -
Robert1986           - Painc1986            - No    - Hunter     - No      -
UberGinge            - UberGinge            - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -

Robi                 - Moon-EU-             - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -
Cartymarty [URL=""]*[/URL]         - Clarticus88          - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
Quickshot89          - Quickshot89          - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -
DrSteve              - BigCheesyWotsit      - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -
niroe [URL=""]*[/URL]              - niroe                - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -

Zatoichi.uK          - BenGmanUk            - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
scorza               - Japheth105           - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
craigyboytaz         - CDA0                 - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
Corvo [URL=""]*[/URL]              - CrackshotCorvo       - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
Razerbwfc [URL=""]*[/URL]          - Razerlink            - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -

Vengance             - TheVeng              - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
Sieze2 [URL=""]*[/URL]             - Sieze2               - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -
FlukeRogi            - FlukeRogi            - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
Demoniser            - SirBazzalot          - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -
Shawreyboy           - Shawreyboy           - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -

Burt                 - BurtimusII           - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
N/A                  - JaroLeman            - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
drumunsta            - blakeyplaya          - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -
16-bit               - wiener_Lord          - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
Ingenious TROLL      - Ingenious-TROLL      - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -

Necroscope [URL=""]*[/URL]         - PsychoKnight666      - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
stuman               - stuman69er           - No    - Hunter     - Yes     -
toobz                - toobzwon             - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -
apostolis_kt         - apostoliskt          - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
Gornall              - Gornall              - Yes   - Titan      - No      -

FORUM                - XBL                  - VOICE - CLASS      - EXPASS1 - EXPASS2

jamesy505            - Robothacker          - Yes   - ?          - Yes     -
gord                 - g0rd                 - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
Shamikebab           - Shamikebab           - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
The_Craig            - The Buff Man         - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -
Elbulus              - Elbulus              - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -

Raikiri              - Ra1ken200            - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
sja360               - hiho360              - Yes   - ?          - Yes     -
Stewy                - stewp00              - Yes   - ?          - No      -
Chadd                - The Chadd            - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
Si.                  - Auty71               - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -

MikGriff             - MikGriff             - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
Schnippzle           - Schnippzle           - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -
R0B75                - R0B 75               - Yes   - ?          - No      -
Kimi                 - KimiRaikkonen07      - Maybe - ?          - No      -
FatFishMonster       - FatFishMonster       - Yes   - Titan      - No      -

stusteel             - SirShaggy            - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -
Woden                - AllfatherOdhinn      - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -
Wyrdo                - Deano Rocko          - Yes   - Hunter     - No      -
camalot              - L33tcam              - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
valkynaz             - lewi meto            - Yes   - Titan      - No      -

steedie              - steedie              - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
cioa bella           - feegle               - No    - Warlock    - No      -
danclivo             - Ehhh Mazin           - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
Fr0dders             - Fr0dders             - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -
rigby93              - KilllerCal           - Yes   - Titan      - No      -

MadFruit [URL=""]*[/URL]           - MadFruit             - No    - Hunter     - No      -
WNB                  - MucousYeti7716       - Maybe - Titan      - No      -
hairyhen             - hairyhen             - No    - Titan      - Yes     -
Krisboats            - krisboats2           - Yes   - Titan      - No      -
Ginger-Meance        - TheGingerMenace      - Maybe - Warlock    - No      -

Mr Jones             - Dr Pharmacology      - Yes   - Warlock    - Yes     -
evilmatt             - EvilMatt             - Yes   - Hunter     - Yes     -
andyliddle           - Eleventhandy         - Yes   - Titan      - Yes     -

FORUM                - PSN                  - VOICE - CLASS      - EXPASS1 - EXPASS2

SilverTongue         - Riotshadow           - No    - Hunter     - No      -
apostolis_kt         - apostoliskt          - Yes   - Warlock    - No      -

FORUM                - XBL                  - VOICE - CLASS      - EXPASS1 - EXPASS2

NB: Anything thats not a definite Yes/No Im taking as a No for the sake of clarity - if that changes please post and Ill happily update as required


ps3ud0 :cool:
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OcUK Destiny Clan
So looked around in clan settings on the bungie site and had to re-enable the playstation/xbox clan feature. You can't set your clan at this time though as you apparently need to have played Destiny with a ps or xbox account, you'll get an error if you try but it's there ready for release, so remember to set it once you begin playing! :)
OcUK Destiny Raid discussion thread

Destiny Wikia
Destiny DB

Expand your Destiny adventure with brand new story missions, cooperative activities, competitive multiplayer arenas, and a wealth of all new weapons, armor, and gear to earn.

The Destiny Expansion Pass includes Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below and Destiny Expansion II: House of Wolves. In The Dark Below, you'll discover an ancient tomb has been unsealed. Beneath the surface of the Moon, a dark god has answered centuries of prayer, and a dark army has risen. Explore the true depths of the Hellmouth. Stop the dark Hive ritual and survive.
hey guys, I just added a post to the group forum for the clan, it contains some basic info on preparing for end game PvE for those who are interested in that, check it out and hopefully we can start planning a 6-man fireteam to start raiding asap!
reserved for useful MP info/quotes...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Ps4 - Blairw - blaiRloch - Yes - Undecided - Yes

Thanks for making the thread - hope we can get good numbers playing this
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