Solar eclipse to plunge Britain into darkness - March 20th

8 Jan 2010
Britain’s most complete solar eclipse in 16 years will block out as much as 90 percent of sunlight across parts of the UK and Europe next month.

The moon will pass in front of the sun on Friday, March 20, casting a large shadow over the Earth.

The partial eclipse will last for around two hours and will be visible across Europe.

It is expected to affect energy supplies due to an increasing reliance on solar power. Energy experts warned of possible blackouts.

The European Network Transmission System Operators for Electricity said: “The risk of incident cannot be completely ruled out. Solar eclipses have happened before but with the increase of installed photovoltaic energy generation, the risk of an incident could be serious without appropriate countermeasures.”

Since 1999, the use of solar power in Europe as a proportion of all renewables has risen from 0.1 percent to 10.5 percent.

However, despite an increase in demand for solar power in Britain, especially in the sunnier southern part of the country, solar power still only accounts for 1.5 percent of the UK’s electricity.

In northern Scotland, more than 95 percent of the sun will be covered by the moon, while in London and the UK’s South East 85 percent will be obscured.

Those planning to watch the rare cosmic lightshow should not look directly at the sun with the naked eye, as doing so can seriously damage vision and even cause blindness.

The solar eclipse can be viewed using specifically designed filters, which feature a thin layer of aluminum, chromium or silver on their surfaces.

The blackout will begin in the UK at 08:45 GMT.

The maximum eclipse, when the moon is nearest the middle of the sun, will occur at 09:31 GMT, ending at 10:41 GMT.

The next total solar eclipse is expected to occur on August 12, 2026.
Can't wait. I still remember standing outside my work building in 1999 watching the last total eclipse. It really brings home that we're standing on a rock moving through space with other large rocks :)
I've just looked outside the window and it appears I have been plunged into total darkness right now! A whole twenty two days earlier than predicted!

Should I be worried?
Possible blackouts? Because the sun has partially gone away for 2 hours?

So, given that it's currently winter, we should have blackouts for most of the day then.
We're all doomed.

I remember that during the course of the 1999 one, there were three significant earthquakes along the line of totality.

I have always wondered whether this was just random or whether there might be a "Super spring tide" effect with eclipses that might just tip fault lines that are already vulnerable to slipping over the edge.
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