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**AMD Radeon 390X Graphics Card WCE**

Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
Fiji Radeon 390X comes with 8GB frame buffer



drunkenmaster's view on the article

Article is bogus for many reasons, could the 390x have 8GB or an 8GB version, very possible I've said as much for a long time. But could it happen how this article says, no, it's impossible, Faud is an idiot and anyone believing this has a basic lack of knowledge or logical thinking.

It's this simple, a card will take at least 12 months to make, newer architectures/bigger new cards generally take a lot longer with the derivatives (same architecture but different shader/rop/bus counts) being quicker but still taking a decent length of time to design, lay out, tape out and get to market, mostly concurrent work but it takes time regardless.

You can not, with absolute certainty, go 2-3 months from launch and double the memory bus size... this is a literal impossibility. The article is twaddle because it's proposing something that is literally impossible. You can't take a core designed for four external connections to memory chips and just add four more without redesigning the entire chip, relaying the chip out on a transistor by transistor basis, re-taping it out, etc. This would add die size and at minimum a 12 month delay for a huge cost. This is NOT possible.

What is possible is it was always going to be an 8GB chip with 8 memory connections, what is also possible is the wait till summer is because that is when 2GB stacks will be available, letting them offer 4/8GB versions both using 4 memory stacks, just different density stacks.

On a more sensible note, 6 stacks would cost a lot less than 8, give you 6GB at a lower cost to the user yet adding 50% more memory for 4k users which will be more than enough in 99% of games for the next few years.

There are many possible specs for the 390x, what is impossible is what Faud is pushing in this article, that because Nvidia has semi announced a 12GB card that AMD at the last second reworked the card to completely change it.

Not true for power reasons, if you had a 300W Titan X with 12GB gddr5 and one with 8GB HBM, there would be likely around the 30-50W extra power available for the core on the HBM model. So the core could have a higher default clock, a much higher boost clock AND it would have the bandwidth required to feed the core running faster.

HBM's advantage isn't the raw bandwidth, it's the power saving it offers, which can then be used for core clock speeds.

Will the 390x have more room for power usage for the core compared to Titan X because of HBM, absolutely, will it be faster... depends on die size, actual performance, architecture improvements and how much money both dumped into another 28nm design. Effectively everything is somewhat compromised at this point. THe cards being released in the past year, likely including the 290x, were not what Nvidia or AMD had planned for 3 years ago. When you plan an architecture for the next node you can plan to double transistor count, some hardware feature that just simply cost too much die space on 28nm might have made sense at 20/14nm, so was included in the next architecture. When you try and move back up to 28nm with an architecture designed for a lower node, you make compromises.

HBM will allow any individual core to be noticeably faster than the same core equipped with GDDR5, the 390x will be significantly faster with HBM than had it used GDDR5.... but that doesn't translate to it being a brilliant core automatically. Depends on many more things.
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30 Mar 2004
19 Feb 2011
Quite frankly if they dont release the 390X with 8gb they might aswell shut up their GPU department now and just go do something else, however if they do release the 390X with 8GB of HBM, then they will smash Nvidia silly with it, its that simple.

Yes thats a bold statement, but i stand behind it, this is brand new tech and something that Nvidia themselves are moving on to, so i expect the first gen of HBM cards to be something special over the GDDR5 cards, so its not a true comparison really even vs the TitanX which will have 12gb of GDDR5 on it.

I fully expect 8GB of HBM to lay waste to even 12GB of GDDR5, especially with a ramped up AMD platform behind it.

Only thing that concerns me is the possibility of it being AIO, we know HBM uses less power than GDDR5, so there should be significent reduction in heat there, however im still not convinced AMD wont just clock the nuts out of the gpu just to get performance and not care about the heat created as they will lob on an AIO, hoping this isnt the case though.
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
Quite frankly if they dont release the 390X with 8gb they might aswell shut up their GPU department now and just go do something else, however if they do release the 390X with 8GB of HBM, then they will smash Nvidia silly with it, its that simple.

Yes thats a bold statement, but i stand behind it, this is brand new tech and something that Nvidia themselves are moving on to, so i expect the first gen of HBM cards to be something special over the GDDR5 cards, so its not a true comparison really even vs the TitanX which will have 12gb of GDDR5 on it.

I fully expect 8GB of HBM to lay waste to even 12GB of GDDR5, especially with a ramped up AMD platform behind it.

Only thing that concerns me is the possibility of it being AIO, we know HBM uses less power than GDDR5, so there should be significent reduction in heat there, however im still not convinced AMD wont just clock the nuts out of the gpu just to get performance and not care about the heat created as they will lob on an AIO, hoping this isnt the case though.

Titan X about 10% faster !!!

HBM is very fast yes but once the memory is already fast enough making it go even faster will not give any more performance as it still has to wait for the GPU core which will be the bottleneck.

Titan X v 390X will come down to which has got the fastest GPU core and that is anyones guess.:)
19 Feb 2011
I'm not sure about that.

If it were true, why bother moving to HBM?

Exactly this, i think that Kaap is right in some respects, however i think the whole HBM thing is just faster over all, especially when you move to API's that can address the GPU and its parts directly, this is where you will see HBM smash GDDR5
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
I'm not sure about that.

If it were true, why bother moving to HBM?

Because HBM is better going forward as games become more demanding. HBM has the potential to run faster but only if you get something that can use it.

It is a bit like putting 12gb on a Titan X, it is nice to have there but there are no games that will use that much meaning that a 6gb card will handle things just as well.

4 x 8gb 390Xs @8k using HBM will be something to see.:D
3 Sep 2010
If this is true, expect a hefty price bump. Possibly looking at £600-£700 for an 8GB 390X.

I wonder if they'd also offer a 4GB variant.

8gb 390X
4gb 390
seems plausible if accurate.

The long term retention is questionable anyhow as we are in for a die shrink next year.
30 Jul 2013
This is a good move in response to TitanX.

If they can come in at half the price of that card then AMD have a fighting chance, as I presume 2x Crossfired 390x's with 8GB VRAM will be plenty faster than 1x TitanX
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