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**AMD Radeon 390X Graphics Card WCE**

This is a good move in response to TitanX.

If they can come in at half the price of that card then AMD have a fighting chance, as I presume 2x Crossfired 390x's with 8GB VRAM will be plenty faster than 1x TitanX

I never completely understand why NVIDIA can be fast and charge what they want while AMD can be just as fast give or take 10% but has to be 50% of the price :D. If the Titan X is at £900 or possibly a bit more because of lower stock then why should AMD not make it £600 at least.

A lot will depend how NVIDIA time the release of the cut down 6GB GM200 GPU which will be at "normal" high end price point like the 780 was. If they have not released such a card that delivers top performance at a decent price then why should AMD be a charity and release it for cheaper. Goodness knows they need the money more.
2x TitanX's with 12GB VRAM will be plenty faster than 2x 390x's enough said

My point was that if AMD price it right, then you can probably get 2x 390x's for the price of 1x Titan.

And if the FUD benchmarks are to be believed then the 'Fuji' GPU is as fast as the Titan X anyway....

I'm guessing £499.99 for a 390x and £999.99 for a TitanX
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This is a good move in response to TitanX.

If they can come in at half the price of that card then AMD have a fighting chance, as I presume 2x Crossfired 390x's with 8GB VRAM will be plenty faster than 1x TitanX

And you know this.. how?

The same way Vincent made his silly comment and I'll know he'll back it up with costing but he doesn't know that either
Also it's a fair assumption that 2x Crossfired 390x's will be faster than ONE TitanX.

Why? Because the benchmarks already show SLI 980's are faster than ONE TitanX, and the 390x is going to be at least on par with a 980 and presumably with the new High bandwidth memory, significantly faster
Also it's a fair assumption that 2x Crossfired 390x's will be faster than ONE TitanX.

Why? Because the benchmarks already show SLI 980's are faster than ONE TitanX, and the 390x is going to be at least on par with a 980 and presumably with the new High bandwidth memory, significantly faster
Base on that ONE leaked benchmark, the Titan X is around 32% faster than the 980 at 2560 res...so a pair of 980 in SLI would be faster than in if SLI scaling was not crap...so I don't see why a pair of 390x wouldn't be faster than the Titan X (except may be in Nvidia games titles where crossfire scaling would be hopelessly non-existent...).
It doesn't even need to be double the price, even if say the 390x is £500 and the Titan X is £800. Two 390x's gets you more value for money if we're playing the crystal ball guessing game. Based on early benchmarks two 980's get you more value for money.

Thing is it makes little difference what nvidia price the card at, it will still sell well but I don't for a second believe it will outsell the 390x.
Hmm if 390X really is going to have 8GB that makes decision even harder.. 8GB is def the sweet spot.. Let's face it though as soon as the Titan X is available to buy the GPU whore that I am will not be able to resist ! I would have prob gone 390X 8GB had it launched first..
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My current thinking is the following

TitanX will be faster than the 980 by say 40% but will cost say £900
390X will be faster than the 980 by say 35% but will cost say £450 (half the TitanX)

There for, for the price of a TitanX you can get 2 x 390X for a bigger performance increase, but you have to factor in Failfire err i mean Crossfire, which means you might end up waiting a few years for it to actually work :(
There for, for the price of a TitanX you can get 2 x 390X for a bigger performance increase, but you have to factor in Failfire err i mean Crossfire, which means you might end up waiting a few years for it to actually work :(

This really, crossfire support needs to improve massively for me to even consider going back to it. SLI support for the most part is pretty decent, still issues but far better than when I had 290x trifire.
Hmm if 390X really is going to have 8GB that makes decision even harder.. 8GB is def the sweet spot.. Let's face it though as soon as the Titan X is available to buy the GPU whore that I am will not be able to resist ! I would have prob gone 390X 8GB had it launched first..

Thats the thing, these 390X could be faster than a 295x2 but by then most people would have bought a GM200 GPU just because they can't really wait. Can you blame anyone when AMD have been turtle slow to respond to Maxwell?
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