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**AMD Radeon 390X Graphics Card WCE**

Out of curiousity...what issues were you having with Crossfire?

Lack of profile support was the issue, the majority of games I was waiting far too long after release (sometimes after I'd completed the game) before proper profiles/support were implemented. Limping along with a manual profile and the associated flickering/perf issues wasn't exactly a great experience and rendered my setup largely useless.

From other people I know who are still running crossfire this hasn't improved. In fact all of them are a bit tired of it and unlikely to stay with AMD when upgrading. I have no problem going back but it will only be in single card format until I'm confident they are willing to pull their finger out for multi-gpu support. I will say Nvidia are on the ball when it comes to this as they usually release a game-ready driver for all new AAA titles. It's by no means perfect but has been a much better experience.
Yeah it's no secret that AMD haven't released a new driver for months, so it's hard to recommend going crossfire to people over SLI when it's not going to work properly with any new releases.
I just can't understand why they would alienate their crossfire users when those are the ones generally spending the most money on their hardware.

I just don't think they have had their priorities right. They've tried to be the champions of all gamers (with things like mantle, tressfx, true audio etc) and forgotten that they are a company that needs to serve their customers first and foremost. Dedicating what appears to be limited resources to those initiatives and not focusing on the crucial things such as driver support smacks of a company that doesn't know what direction they are going in. I honestly couldn't care less about 'fluff' features, they are nice to have but shouldn't come at the expense of regular and consistent driver support for single and multi-gpu configs.

Get the basics right then aim higher, not the other way round. AMD haven't been doing that and that's why I will be extremely tentative in purchasing their products in the future (at least in multi-gpu form).
I just don't think they have had their priorities right. They've tried to be the champions of all gamers (with things like mantle, tressfx, true audio etc) and forgotten that they are a company that needs to serve their customers first and foremost. Dedicating what appears to be limited resources to those initiatives and not focusing on the crucial things such as driver support smacks of a company that doesn't know what direction they are going in. I honestly couldn't care less about 'fluff' features, they are nice to have but shouldn't come at the expense of regular and consistent driver support for single and multi-gpu configs.

Get the basics right then aim higher, not the other way round. AMD haven't been doing that and that's why I will be extremely tentative in purchasing their products in the future (at least in multi-gpu form).

+1 to this, Amen brother, preach on.
If WhyCry hadn't popped in I would be dismissing this as FUD playing the guessing game again... Fuad has been getting rather desperate lately.

Also you won't get 8GB of HBM for less than £600 and there's a possibility it could be way faster than TX, so they might even charge a grand. :D
Well that bit really instills me with confidence that the article is true !

The bit of the article that does it for me is this bit.

The decision to go for an 8GB Fiji rather than the planned 4GB version was in part attributed by Nvidia’s Titan X 12GB card announcement.

So basically they decided to make this change 9 days ago, but they still reckon they could be here by June. Doesn't it physically take longer than that to bake the chips ?

You cannot just decide to add four more chips, not without completely redoing the memory traces on the interposer, let alone the GPU with the memory controller.
Nom nom nom.............


The bit of the article that does it for me is this bit.

So basically they decided to make this change 9 days ago, but they still reckon they could be here by June. Doesn't it physically take longer than that to bake the chips ?

You cannot just decide to add four more chips, not without completely redoing the memory traces on the interposer, let alone the GPU with the memory controller.

Will if that was the case I imagine AMD had a 4GB model planned for launch sooner than June, with 8GB models already planned for a later staggered release.

With the Titan X announcement maybe AMD decided just to use the 8GB version of their card, and thus now available later in June. So no re-design was needed they just choose there 8GB version, so will be a bit later to market probably due to yields and availability of the memory.

This wouldn't surprise me as that other article about the slight delay until June only came after the Titan X announcement.
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Lack of profile support was the issue, the majority of games I was waiting far too long after release (sometimes after I'd completed the game) before proper profiles/support were implemented. Limping along with a manual profile and the associated flickering/perf issues wasn't exactly a great experience and rendered my setup largely useless.

From other people I know who are still running crossfire this hasn't improved.

Exactly why I ditched two quiet, cool running 5850s for two hot, noisy 470s, crossfire was awful compared to SLI, they lost my custom after that.
The bit of the article that does it for me is this bit.

So basically they decided to make this change 9 days ago, but they still reckon they could be here by June. Doesn't it physically take longer than that to bake the chips ?

You cannot just decide to add four more chips, not without completely redoing the memory traces on the interposer, let alone the GPU with the memory controller.

It's almost as if everything I've been saying about tech journalism the past 6 months is true. :confused:
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