Microsoft Will Announce More Xbox One Games Coming To The PC In The Next Few Months

28 Feb 2013
Link here:

If they announce Halo Master Chief Collection (MCC) for PC I will be so happy - Halo is the one series on consoles that I wish was also on PC. Also, I'm aware that lots of people would be happy if Forza came to PC too.

Should be interesting to see what they do :)

Edit - Also this is apparently an official Microsoft W10 store screenshot but I have no source (showing Halo MCC, Halo 5 Beta and Forza Horizon 2 among others):

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Forza sort of makes more sense. Halo pretty much IS xbox, but Forza is just a very good xbox game. On PC, MS have MS Flight Simulator, so Forza kind of slightly fits in a bit more... I guess?
Only games that spring to mind on any format are:

Metal Gear Solid
The Last of Us
Gears of War

I played the original Halo on the PC and wasn't exactly blown away by it.

Really surprised more companies don't sell them on other formats after a year or so - give the consoles (or even PC) the exclusive then port them over. I know Microsoft have been working massively on dev kits for the PC to make it even easier to port stuff over so it's only a matter of time.

I'm aware that lots of people would be happy if Forza came to PC too.
phil spencer bell end of a man already told us

"There isn't a tremendous request today for racing games like Forza on PC," says Spencer. "Obviously through the streaming we showed in January you'll be able to play on any of the PCs you have in your home. I don't want to build things because you can build them, I want to build things that our customers are asking for.

Just about every gaming forum I'm a member of contradicts what he claims but nevermind.

MS know best so expect FPS games only after all it's the only game you need a keyboard and mouse for....
racing games are best on a pad in front of a massive TV which is where gaming should be the centre of the living room, the pc should be in your bedroom or somewhere with the curtains closed and a box of tissues

there's probably not a single pc gamer involved in the decision making just console idiots like phil spencer who don't understand pc gaming or want to keep exclusives because they don't see pc gaming as competition to xbox.

real gamers game on xbox didn't you know
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MS know best so expect FPS games only after all it's the only game you need a keyboard and mouse for....
racing games are best on a pad.

there's probably not a single pc gamer involved in the decision making just console idiots like phil spencer who don't understand pc gaming or want to keep exclusives because they don't see pc gaming as competition to xbox.

real gamers own xboxs

They unveiled a lot at e3, this new thing they will be taking gamer votes to help decide what to bring. So if Forza gets enough votes you'll get it more than likely.

Edit actually, I'm wrong that's for the backwards compatibility they announced.
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MS will not anytime soon bring anything to the PC which means you will not have to buy an XB1 :rolleyes: the morons running the XB division are all console gamers they do not have anyone PC friendly. That's why Doug Lombardi (Steam exec) left in a hurry he hit a brick wall of XBox only policies as there is no money left in PC gaming for MS as they let Valve take it all with Steam!

Gears Of War is exclusive to Win 10 + DX12 only & is also running on UE3 MS did not even spend the money to port to UE4 that tells you how much effort they are putting into this PR only exercise to get you to buy an XB1 so you do not need to stream the games to your PC anymore :rolleyes:
Like i mentioned in the thread I made cause i didn't open my eyes, i'm hoping for Forza, I played far to many hours on Forza 4 on 360 and it'll be the same for 5 and 6, and hopefully Horizon 2.
Uninspiring porting from Microsoft aside I really can't think of many games on the platform I want to play as Halo never really tickled me.

That and we hear this concentrating on the PC platform spiel every year, it's really nothing more than promoting the Windows platform, actual game side of PC platform they care little for.
I hope Forza Horizon 2 is the start of Forza on PC. Forza 6 looks like a lot of fun if the trailer is anything to go by. I always thought they wouldn't bring it to PC as surely they'd want to keep some exclusivity with the Xbox?

As above, I don't think they ultimately care about PC gaming that much.
Only games that spring to mind on any format are:

Metal Gear Solid
The Last of Us
Gears of War

I played the original Halo on the PC and wasn't exactly blown away by it.

Really surprised more companies don't sell them on other formats after a year or so - give the consoles (or even PC) the exclusive then port them over. I know Microsoft have been working massively on dev kits for the PC to make it even easier to port stuff over so it's only a matter of time.


Wait I'm confused... Metal Gear is already coming to PC, as is Gears and Last of Us is Sony.

I think you're drunk m9 :D
Link here:
If they announce Halo Master Chief Collection (MCC) for PC I will be so happy - Halo is the one series on consoles that I wish was also on PC. Also, I'm aware that lots of people would be happy if Forza came to PC too.

Going by some comments coming out of E3 I think it is safe to say MCC is coming to the PC. I've got it on my Xbone which makes me wonder if it will be crossplay.

While there is potential for Halo 5 to come to PC it won't be until after this Christmas. Halo 5 is an important title to generate Xbone sales.
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