Microsoft Will Announce More Xbox One Games Coming To The PC In The Next Few Months

Sadly unlikely, naughty dog are pretty much entirely Sony, they are great devs though I cant think of a bad game theyve made.

Its a real shame because they are the absolute best at cinematic gaming in my opinion. Uncharted and Last of Us games are so spectacular. If they could go all out and make a PC game with the extra power it would be unreal.
MS will not anytime soon bring anything to the PC which means you will not have to buy an XB1 :rolleyes: the morons running the XB division are all console gamers they do not have anyone PC friendly. That's why Doug Lombardi (Steam exec) left in a hurry he hit a brick wall of XBox only policies as there is no money left in PC gaming for MS as they let Valve take it all with Steam!

Gears Of War is exclusive to Win 10 + DX12 only & is also running on UE3 MS did not even spend the money to port to UE4 that tells you how much effort they are putting into this PR only exercise to get you to buy an XB1 so you do not need to stream the games to your PC anymore :rolleyes:
Oh lawd, stop moaning about Gears of War being on UE3.
It seems like a lot of people here are disenfranchised by MS (I guess they have some reason to be after a few empty promises for PC gamers), but recently they seem to have turned a page and are actually supporting PC gaming more now. They didn't have to release GoW and KI on PC, they did it of their own accord (and they know they can make good money from bringing franchises to both Xbox One and PC).

As far as I'm concerned this news of more announcements to come for PC gaming is great, but as ever it seems like a cool thing to jump on the Microsoft-hating bandwagon. They've done great things for PC gamers and now it seems they are doing even more, so give them a chance I say.
Well a positive thing to take is that as you say gamers are disenfranchised with Microsoft and not against it like they have been in the past with EA and Ubisoft at the moment. Problem is that there has been too many promises that turned up next to nothing so it's hard to get excited about anything coming from their marketing machine.

It's not like they don't have the resources to start churning out good games for the PC, they are simply not interested and rank it as a low priority over the XBOX division so I'm simply not going to invest into a company that isn't interested and that goes for any product that I consider buying.

That and there's not a particularly exciting line up of games for me personally. Having a real hard time getting excited over a 2006 game that was released with an uninspiring port a year later, not just because I already played it but because it's bringing very little to the table once more.

If Sony on the other hand turned around and said we can have Uncharted, Last of Us, Heavy Rain etc then I would be perking right up but there's little chance of that happening now.
It seems like a lot of people here are disenfranchised by MS (I guess they have some reason to be after a few empty promises for PC gamers), but recently they seem to have turned a page and are actually supporting PC gaming more now
They have claimed they will save pc gaming for about the last 8 years every other year they say something and do nothing


Microsoft committing itself to the future of PC gaming: Does that sound familiar to anyone else? It should. Just a couple of years ago, Microsoft touted its Games for Windows program, and of course Games for Windows Live, as the future of the platform. "The Windows-based PC is the most connected gaming platform on the planet," Microsoft Vice President John Schappert wrote. "Microsoft's continued investments will enable game publishers to take advantage of that connectivity while delivering to consumers the kind of gaming experiences they will love."

Fast-forward two years and Games for Windows Live is a mess, while Microsoft's gaming ambitions remain strong but appear focused entirely on the Xbox 360. But wait! In an internal document "obtained" by Kotaku, the Windows publisher admits that it dropped the PC ball but claims that it's ready to try again, for real and for sure this time.

How many times must they lie? windows 10 is coming out so they will care for a few months then probably go back to their old ways
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I understand but I still think that they are now genuinely trying to support PC gaming, recent developments back this up. And if they release Halo MCC on PC (which is looking quite likely at this point), then a lot of PC gamers will be very pleased - including me.
PC Gaming is bigger than it's been for a long while, they will want their fingers in that pie too, all under the roof of Xbox Live.

Also they recently released an awesome game call Ori and the Blind Forest, i bet hardly anyone bought it though.
I never understand why games should be 'ported' to pc, after all, the tools they use to develop them are on pc to begin with, they just gimp the graphics down and use different implementations to run on consoles.

I saw a few weeks ago a sneaky trailer of Forza running on DX12 for PC and it looked badass. I played Forza 1 and 2 at the very beginning of it's years and for me they were the best ones, for a few years my interest in consoles is basically none so seen a new Forza with ultra HD graphics would be amazing, sure there are games that try to be like it but the PC is still lacking in my opinion a top racing game like Forza.

I still don't understand why the Halo series never made the jump to PC either, aside from Halo1 and Halo2 and the Spartan Assault ones that's about it.

Slightly off topic maybe but I still would love to see Red Dead Redemption make an appearance on PC :)
Wait I'm confused... Metal Gear is already coming to PC, as is Gears and Last of Us is Sony.

I think you're drunk m9 :D

I was more referring to the earlier games and MGS HD. 1 and 2 hit the PC and were superb - though getting them to run now is a pain. The recent games are abominations are not really MGS - just in name to sell games. I loved the bits where you could hide in a box or such like. The hack and slash I see now isn't really MGS for me.

Though I am possibly drunk as well :)

I was more referring to the earlier games and MGS HD. 1 and 2 hit the PC and were superb - though getting them to run now is a pain. The recent games are abominations are not really MGS - just in name to sell games. I loved the bits where you could hide in a box or such like. The hack and slash I see now isn't really MGS for me.

Though I am possibly drunk as well :)


the hack and slash is Metal Gear Rising not Metal Gear Solid and is based on Raiden not Snake. Its not even meant to try and be like MGS.

MGS Ground zeroes is on PC which is a short game and introduction to the new game Phantom Pain which will also be on PC.

I also think you are drunk :D
I wish they'd stop pretending, every couple of years we have to listen to this rubbish and how serious they are this time etc. Then we get halo: the minesweeper edition instead of the games we might actually want to see. I bet you as much as you like that neither halo, forza, nor any other AAA game by Microsoft will be coming to PC unless you buy an xbox and stream it. Why sell a £30 game when you can sell a £50 one and get a piece of the hardware sales as well. They could at least stop yanking our chains though.

I wish the gaming press would hold them to account for this - instead of continuing to report it as though it's the first time it's happened.
Look MS - doesn't care two licks about PC gamers; they would rather have everyone xbox in their walled garden - PC gaming which they could easily rule but they've proven time after time they don't care.

Its only when pc game is threatened to move off window's platform or something threatens they api aka DX - do they actually do something....and its short term.

Will Win 10 and now xbox gaming over all the platforms be different this time? We'll see; but fool me once; shame on you....fool me twice shame on me; fool me three more times....not going to happen...
Can't think of any decent games I'd like to see come to PC, both Halo and Forza are console games - stating the obvious there but - they look and play like a console game and don't do a very good job at it either, especially Forza. Why would you want this on PC?

PC hardware would allow for better AA, better FPS, better everything infact but the games don't look that good anyway, so it's like polishing a turd.

To use alternative games, I'd love to see The Last Of Us and Driveclub on PC, why? Because they look stunning on a console. After Forza 5s obvious visual downgrade and mediocre graphics in Forza Horizon they will look meh. Project Cars would make them look like a PS2 game.

Besides, I doubt these games will come to PC anyway.
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