^ Black Desert ^ - Open Beta RU

18 Apr 2006
For those who want to test the game out before it's proper EU release :D

details ;- (not my work)

Download : - http://www.mediafire.com/download/3npgj2x1lngwx9g/BDO_English_RUver.zip

1. Create an account at gamenet.ru
2. Use google chrome to help translate or something similar
3. Go to https://gamenet.ru/register/ and Register
4. Then go to https://gamenet.ru/security/ and click "Email"
5. That will send an email asking you to validate
6. The email should start with boxy N (looks like a box missing bottom part) -- click the long link in middle that ends with "dummy=1"
7. This will validate your email
8. Run PlayBlackDesert.exe
9. Let it run until it asks you to login
10. Exit the launcher (also exit on the systray(bottom right))
11. Copy qgna_ru.qm.qm to C:\Program Files (x86)\QGNA\languages (Default Location) or wherever your QGNA Folder is
12. Relaunch the launcher and most of it should be in English - Merica.
13. Login with the account you made on gamenet.ru (Email & Password)
14. Start downloading Black Desert (It may start automatically but if not click its associated section of GameNet)
15. Once the game has downloaded (30gigs), copy 'prestringtable' folder from 37_Russia_EN.zip (file you downloaded) to the folder you downloaded the game to.- I.E. *folder you downloaded to*\live
16. You should see bin, bin64, Cache, Log folder in there too
17. All done! You should have broken english launcher/game ready to play!

18. Me making fun of the broken english is only my way of showing great appreciation for the people who made this beta work with english -- Truly, Thank you!
The client will take an age to download, roughly 30gig so leave it running and find something to do.

I haven't got into the game yet but hopefully the ping will be as good as the Blade & Soul ru version which was very playable.
All working and installed, I'll get some performance and screenies soon.

If you have launcher problems ;-

If your launcher appears to be stuck on connecting with a group overlay popping up like http://i.imgur.com/mz8Wbiy.png, try fully closing the launcher and make sure it is closed in your system tray.

Go to your computer then follow this directory: Users\Name\AppData\Local\Vebanaul\GameNet.

Delete the folder "torrents" and restart the launcher. (thanks sarahd094)
The character creation is a game within itself !! WOW !!

There's a silly amount of tweakage available, but one thing to note is that some customizations have a 'P' in the box meaning it's a cash money purchase.

So far it runs smooth with High settings and the English patch is decent!
I managed to make my way through the Korean version, with my google translater at hand lol. It's going to be an incredible game, it really is.

how long does it take for the verification email to come through guys? ive been waiting 15 minutes now.
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I prefer blade and soul personally.

Graphically amazing, character creation is incredible, but gameplay just feels lacking for me.
mate, I sunk 50 hours into this when it was all in Korean, I think this will be a proper MMORPG that's going to be right up there with the best. Think I spent 3 days on the character creator alone lol
mate, I sunk 50 hours into this when it was all in Korean, I think this will be a proper MMORPG that's going to be right up there with the best. Think I spent 3 days on the character creator alone lol

One thing I am concerned about is Bitcoin viruses from Russian downloads. They are a dodgy bunch. :D
I prefer blade and soul personally.

Graphically amazing, character creation is incredible, but gameplay just feels lacking for me.

Well I've played a few classes to around 10 and most of that time was spent wrestling with the camera controls and just smashing buttons.

I think the problem I found was the ping as you would be clobbering a small mob for ages, taking a lot of dmg in the process, only for it to suddenly be dead whilst I was still hitting random attacks. I reckon once you've got the combo's of the specific class sorted it would be quite good fun.

I'll defo give Black Desert some game time, but Blade & Soul will still be my MMo of choice on release.
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