^ Black Desert ^ - Open Beta RU

Thought I would give this a try - was expecting it to download slowly going by what is said but it seems to be barreling along at 90-140Mbit

8+GB done already and I'm not sure it has been going 20mins
give the beta a go man, its free. I'm loving it, it looks amazing too



Graphics look amazing! might keep an eye out for this..
one of the best looking worlds I've seen to date, and I love the art form.


Looks like they just region locked the beta down..time to VPN guys

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Just use https://www.wtfast.com/

Add custom start game and configure > use the launcher option direct it to > Program Files(x86) > qGNA.exe

Manually configure the Network Route to Russia RU1 or RU2

Hit play and your back in the game.
How are the actual MMO mechanics? The art, animations and world look utterly stunning but how is the gameplay? Been following it for ages so would like to know how it compares to the usual MMO fare :)
Who's going to be running the EU side of it?

I've stopped getting hyped for the Eastern MMO's as everytime it comes to the west do we get shafted.

Especially with games like Tera and Archeage, removing features from the beta that we're sorta unique to the games just to cash in.
Why are you, why do you like it so much?
Been following this for a while now, does look good.

I've been waiting for a decent mmo since putting down WOW. Tried them all, been majorly disappointed with Archeage, Guild Wars 2, they just didnt have the feel. I was so looking forward to Archeage and it's management, housing, growing crops etc but it was spoilt by bots and cheaters so early in the cycle.

Now let me get to why I like this so much.

Character development - An incredibly large skill tree, maybe like 60 skills in my tree I can unlock, other games simply have a very boring skill tree which you can unlock very early in the game. In BDO I'm at level 20 and I've not even unlocked a 1/4 of the skills. Looking at the tree, I'm massively pumped for unlocking some big skills further down the tree, that to me is good charcter progression.

Missions - They are very well thought out, not your typical walk here collect 20 of these, kill 20 of those etc. Yes they do that, but different mini-game missions as well like balancing a mining cart down a quarry etc. Yes they are similiar but they involve you more.

Bosses - Single player bosses are brilliant, love the way they come out of the void when you summon them.

And the best thing ever...housing, trade, workers and nodes and goodies :) - I just love the way you have to managed your towns. In each big town you have housing that can be bought on a street. You purchase the first house i n a block and can assign it to a certain role. Your workers that you can employ to do your gathering and making chores, well they need somewhere to sleep. You can upgrade those houses for higher level gear and purchase the next house in the row for another type. You can make tools, vehicles, weapons, refineries...the list goes on. But you need to manage all this with what's called contribution points, almost like labour points of Archeage but a nicer system. You have connecting nodes around every city that can be connected for the transportation of your goods by your workers which you get bonuses on and the ability to work each node different if it has that resource. I just like the way it all works. The residence that you can have has a Sims type element to it, which when you craft furniture, appliances, lighting etc you then can go into a sim mode to place things you've made. Workers need feeding so you need to be cooking in your residence for them, or have workers make food. It's just a very clever system and so much fun.

Overal, the game is really really good so far. I have no idea about P2P yet, will prob leave that for full release, but at the moment this is the best feeling MMO since WOW for me personally. And of course, it's just simply stunning to look at.
You've missed the one and only thing that provides any MMO with staying power for me, really good , vibrant, lively and dangerous world PvP. Whats the world PvP like?
I believe you have to get to lvl 50 to be able to PvP. Once you get there then it's Open World PvP where you can then do raids, Arena, Guild Battles, Instanced PvP and a whole lot more I imagine. Not really that bothered with it yet, game is pulling me in without it. But when I get to lvl 50, I'll let you know lol.
I believe you have to get to lvl 50 to be able to PvP. Once you get there then it's Open World PvP where you can then do raids, Arena, Guild Battles, Instanced PvP and a whole lot more I imagine. Not really that bothered with it yet, game is pulling me in without it. But when I get to lvl 50, I'll let you know lol.

Can you PvP lower than lvl50? Or can you only pvp once you've finished levelling?

Is the pvp consensual or can I attack and be attacked by anyone at any time (the best form of pvp imo)

If someone in my group is attacked, does it flag the attacker to everyone in the group so that I can aid my groupmate, or does it rather damn stupidly (looking at you Archeage! ) not flag the attacker to me so all I can do is stand and watch my groupmate die.

Are there good and reasonably heavy penalties for dying in PvP, preferably loss of exp or items you are carrying, or is there no punishment.

Some questions there for you when you reach 50
Might take me a while to hit 50 lol, lvling in this game seems to take longer which I like, or it might be just because I'm getting sidetracked quite a bit lol.

There must be some info on pvp mate, I did read that for the western game, the level was going to be a lot lower for pvp as the western audience is more hardcore than the east regarding pvp. I have a feeling the whole pvp system might be different than the Korean pvp system.
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You've missed the one and only thing that provides any MMO with staying power for me, really good , vibrant, lively and dangerous world PvP. Whats the world PvP like?

BDO is a decent MMo, but if it's PvP you want Blade & Soul is better.

So far for me, BDO seems to be a button masher with very impressive visuals but atm it's not hooking me in but I need to play it more. Don't get me wrong it's got depth but I'm a PvP'er more so than raider.

The reason I harp on more about Blade & Soul is they are publishing the full version with nothing removed. It has a much better combat system were you can tailor your class to your preferred playstyle, you can have one path for PvP and one for PvE. In B&S you can simply equip a faction costume and you can go PvP basically anywhere.
I'll def be checking out Blade and Soul, PvP will sway it for me also, but at this moment, I'm loving the depth of this game.

Button Masher eek?? It does not feel like that to me, there are many different combinations of kepresses in combination with mouse presses at the right time to do a certain attack. I wouldnt say that was button mashing, there's an element of thought that goes into it, the attacks are very well thought out. See, I need something to do rather than casting 5 different skills in every enemy I get to, ala Guild Wars 2. With BDO you've essentially got like a dozen plus attacks all performed differently via mouse and keyboard, I actually like that.

PvP will be key though, will get to lvl50 and see where it goes. I've watched videos of Blade and Soul and I'll be honest, the game play looks a lot more boring than BDO. I guess in these games you can't have masses of depth and customisation along with great combat and a nailed PvP lol.
For me the Pvp makes all the difference but it must be the right sort of PvP. It must be attack anywhere, attack anyone (or at least attack anyone from an opposing faction if it isnt attack anyone), attack at any time. Must be non-consensual and must be open world pvp, not instanced "arena/battleground" style pvp.

Oh and there must be decent penalties for dying, not just the time taken to run back to your body, there must be a tangible penalty so that there is a reason not to die.

That , for me, is a key element in an MMO, without it, its just too much like a glorified pretty looking chatroom
I meant no slight on BDO with the 'button masher' comment, I probably should have explained it a bit more. I'm playing through all the classes and hold my hands up and admit I don't know the proper mechanics behind the combat yet but slapping skills in no order is still doing it for me! From what I've played so far Black Desert is a 100% purchase and I hope we get the full roster of classes on release.

Blade & Soul is actually quite an old MMo now, it's questing is very generic (VERY!!) but the combat and skill system is extremely in depth, it's what makes the game stand above all the other MMo's I'm playing. If you have time check out Pohx initial impressions vid on YT (can't link due to swearing) he explains the basic's quite well.

In all, I just want a new PvP mmo that can compete with the like of Aion or Lineage :D

@Tombstone, neither of these are going to invoke Ultima of old, those days are gone I think....
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@Tombstone, neither of these are going to invoke Ultima of old, those days are gone I think....

Which is such a shame. UO was the pinnacle of MMOing, they set standards and had game features which almost 2 decades on , "modern" MMOs are still failing to include in their MMOs.

I feel for anyone who didnt experience UO. What a different genre we would have today if more companies had followed the UO rather than the EQ model.
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