^ Black Desert ^ - Open Beta RU

Can't get this going at all..

I've downloaded the mediafire files, extracted to desktop, then ran the installer. it keeps downloading then closing, repeat. Copying the file over to the folder does not help.

The gamenet installer keeps closing and opening after downloading updates I should clarify, reaches the end then pauses briefly and abruptly closes and opens etc.

Can't confirm email, invalid code or something..

Edit: OK Giving up, nothing I do works.
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Weird, I did everything from the readme to the letter and it went perfect. Maybe try removing everything and redoing each step

What server you going on guys so we can join up?
The game was working fine last night after I installed it, no issues what so ever. Nothing has changed my end so must be something to do with their side of things I guess. So annoying, finished work early today, was looking forward to getting stuck right into making my character lol

All I'm getting is this message now, the game launches, I get the black screen where it says Pearl Abyss then it kicks me back to desktop and gives me this error message. Can anyone else that was playing this fine last night confirm this is happening to them also today.

Just seen this https://gamenet.ru/games/blackdesert/post/mIhka/ maintenance today, looks like this could well be why the game wont launch.
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fixed it guys. I knew it had to be something to do with this update today. Saw that my client wasn't updating, went looking and found you need to update manually.

Go here https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdeser...english_patch_alpha_for_kr_jp_and_ru_servers/ click on the Russian v.39 link and download. Then copy the "prestringable" folder to your game dir and overwrite when asked. Then run the game as per normal.
finally finished with my lil lady



Character creator is really good. I'm sure will be able to do some stunning work with this one. Best creator I've seen in any game by far.
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finally finished with my lil lady


Character creator is really good. I'm sure will be able to do some stunning work with this one. Best creator I've seen in any game by far.

Nice work, it really is a very impressive creator. The only other game that comes close, or did, was APB whose char creator was years ahead of it's time.
wow this game world is bloody stunning.

Question though, how do I remove the 60fps cap? game performance seems really good, got everything maxed at 1440p and it never dips from 60fps limit...need to remove that though.
Character Creation is good, but the game just feels off. It has some nice touches but as APB has proven your character creation can be amazing but it means nothing if the game is bland.
I'm really enjoying it, but the controls for the moves are a little strange.

ppl mention Blade and Soul, is this another big MMORPG coming out soon as well? Beta??
Is this just another Korean cash-shop extravaganza? Archeage stung me bad enough, I doubt I'll ever touch another Korean mmo.
Is this just another Korean cash-shop extravaganza? Archeage stung me bad enough, I doubt I'll ever touch another Korean mmo.

Seems like it, The microtransactions are everywhere in this though, more so than others I have played.
I still think Tera has been the best one out in years, but ****ing hell the grind is intense.
after wasting $150 on archeage last year, i'll give this one a miss. Trion really messed that up, beta was great but it went down hill with all the bots and hackers as soon as it launched.
problem is I see this game getting old fast, played the korean version for a while

It looks amazing, has some awesome little mechanics but once you hit max level all there really is to do is PVP and that has it's own flawed mechanics (Maybe changed since I played but the healing potion abuse was rife). I love pvp but every once in a while I just want to kill a boss and take it easy having no end game pve is a down point from me.

Some classes had it really easy in pvp too
I'm going to hold off on this one until the EU version comes and some more feedback. I first looked at this quite a while ago when some friends played the korean version for a while, at the time they said that although it looked great it was a pretty poor mmo. I've been stung too many times by all that glitters is not gold so going to wait for a few months after EU release.

The character generator does look good but its an MMO thats good which I want, not a design a doll simulator, so it needs great and in depth MMO mechanics and features, or it may as well be just a tech demo.

Fingers crossed for a good EU version and it still being thriving a few months after release and then I'll check it out.
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