Former Dragons' Den star Doug Richard 'paid a 13-year-old schoolgirl hundreds of pounds for sex'

29 Jan 2008

A businessman who once appeared on Dragons' Den paid a 13-year-old girl hundreds of pounds for sex after meeting her on a 'sugar daddy' website, a court heard today.
Doug Richard, 57, allegedly arranged for the girl and a 15-year-old friend to join him at a £149-a-night apartment in central London.
The Californian admits sexual activity did occur with the child, but claims it was consensual and he believed she was at least 16 at the time.

erm... if you're paying for it then surely you'd best make sure she's at least 18.... and if in doubt perhaps check ID - tis not like he picked her up in a nightclub, he had to pay for this girl and her friend to get on a train to come and meet him FFS... (since she obviously doesn't drive!)

What do you think - was he really just naive and thought they were a couple of teenagers who were at least 16 (v.dodgy territory but not necessarily illegal per say)? Or is he a full on nonce many other celebs and people in power are turning out the be these days?
29 Jan 2008
As we don't have all the facts are we going to run an OcUK Nonce trial in parallel with the one going on in the Old Bailey?

Of course!

Why do you need all the facts? The question isn't whether he's guilty or not guilty beyond reasonable doubt but asking for opinions on how plausible it is that someone like him didn't realise the girls were under age and/or whether he should have been more careful.
31 May 2007
Surely there are plenty of older looking girls or women available on whatever site he found them on, so pretending he thought they were older sounds a bit dubious...
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