
  1. Hairygamer

    BSOD when Gaming

    Hi, Need some help as i'm at my wits end. Trying to play The first Decendant or D4 and I keep getting BSOD withn 5-10 minutes of playing. I have CPUID monitor running on my second monitor to check temps and it all looking good. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Tests done...
  2. TheBreadMuncher


    I keep getting a BOSD saying driver_irql_not_less_or_equal and specifically saying stornvme.sys has failed. I have tried to fix it in command prompt but that didn't work and so saved the few things I wanted on my pc and reset it. This didn't go to plan and crashed several more times. I am now on...
  3. Glitzy

    BSOD Problem

    Hi, I am having a problem with getting a BSOD with 'Memory Management' as the code. I have put the dump file into WinDbg and got back the following: SYMBOL_NAME: PAGE_HASH_ERROS_INPAGE MODULE_NAME: Unknown_Module IMAGE_NAME: Unknown_Image STACK_COMMAND: .cxr; .ecxr ; kb...
  4. OnlyAlex

    Do I need to re-install Windows again?

    Do I need to re-install Windows again? Hi everyone, I am pretty new to using Windows 11 and am finding my feet, so please forgive me if my question sounds stupid! I had a BSOD that happened nearly a month ago and was an unspecified error. I did a hardware scan which found no errors and I...
  5. PhoenixSP

    4090 anyone else having issues ?

    So been having issues where after sleep or upon a fresh boot windows doesnt immediately boot and from the reliability monitor it lists a windows hardware error along with shut down unexpectedly. After checking the memory dump the bugcheck is VIDEO_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT_INTERNAL (10e) with the...
  6. TimTaine

    BSOD issues

    Really hope someone can help me with this as I'm at a loss with this issue - being going on for months and I've tried countless things to fix. For some reason, I am getting BSOD when downloading. Doesn't seem to happen while gaming, only downloading - even with nothing else going on. Happens...
  7. JayBlake1958

    Asus Gaming Minitower frequent Browser crashes and BSOD issues

    Hi, First post so if my query is in the wrong subsection, please let me know and I shall delete and repost, accordingly. Please can someone try to help with my problem which is making my PC unusable? The machine randomly crashes (BSOD) and whatever Browser I use (eg Brave, Opera, Firefox)...
  8. Rutty

    Multiple BSODs with different causes

    Hi all, My brothers PC (from Overclockers), about a year old, has started BSODing. To make it occur, I start the PC, bring up 2 chrome windows, each playing a different long youtube video (nothing fancy, just a fireplace in one and a fake arctic scene in the other, both 12 hour relaxing vids)...
  9. JakeTeagle94

    Windows unexpectedly cutting out whilst gaming

    Hello all! First post here, thank you for having me! :) I have recently purchased a boxed and pristine Samsung NP370R5E-A06, which has 6GB of RAM paired with an I5-3210 processor. The laptop is in great condition and the battery life lasts about 3 and a half hours whilst I am doing my remote...
  10. SamCuddy

    Laptop Multiple BSOD

    Hello everyone i bought a Lenovo ideapad 3 gaming laptop back in june, use it mainly for being away with work, i went abroad a month ago and got some BSOD's with the code Graphics External or something similar, tried uninstalling and updating drivers for intel and nvidia graphics, but whenever i...
  11. Emjeadea

    Bizarre Bsod issue!

    Hi all, I'm usually a silent problem solver and never really ask for help just trawl the net for possible fixes till i nail it. However this issue has been plaguing me for sometime now and i though i would call up on the only forum I'm actually signed up to that i think could genuinely help me...
  12. DMZ

    Laptop BSOD when installing Windows 10 20H2

    Every time my laptop tries to install Windows 10 20H2 it bluescreens and reverts to 1909. Is there a way to find out why?
  13. Cypher270

    Bluescreen / freezing after PSU off/on

    Hello all, PC has been working fine since it was built in Jan but has recently started randomly BSOD / freezing during or shortly after start up. If I shut down normally then turn it on again, everything is fine even after a 3-4 days of no use. If I shut it down, then turn it off at the PSU...
  14. snips86x

    B550 Tomahawk Memory Issues

    Hey Folks, Over the last few days I have had a series of BSODs that relate to memory. A mem test has indicated something is faulty. What isn't suggested is which DIM, so I will conduct further testing tomorrow. However, a friend of mine with a B450 reported that, while he was getting memory...
  15. rmonkey100

    HELP - getting whea_uncorrectable_error BSOD while gaming/under load?!

    I have suddenly started getting whea_uncorrectable_error BSOD whilst gaming/under heavy load today, computer has been fine before and just started when trying to play Call of Duty, I keep getting Dev errors & crashes. Tried other games, like witcher 3 and as soon as it loads in and goes under...
  16. Sebbo

    Irregular BSOD on new rig

    Hi everyone, i'm in desperate need of help :( Current situation: I build a new system (not my first build) and it appears to have irregular BSOD/Restarts. But first things first; systemspecs: OS: Windows 10 Home 64-Bit-Version (10.0, Build 19042) MB: X570 Asus Crosshair VIII hero (Wifi) BIOS...
  17. Wheezymeme

    3070 drivers & windows crashing

    Literally crashing non stop rn. I just got a new 5800x with asus x570mobo and when i try to install drivers for my 3070 windows warns me it cant verify the publisher of the driver software. If I install driver anyway, I boot loop until i go into safe mode and uninstall drivers. If i decline...
  18. Wheezymeme

    Asus 3070 Issue

    Hi all, recently bought a 3070 tuf and have had it in my systen for roughly 2 and a half weeks. Had a issue wirh freezing/audio loops & did a clean install of the gpu/audio drivers aswell as windows which appears to have solved most of the problems. I am still however getting a bsod on...
  19. David91

    Consistent BSOD in "Control" - 5900X/3090

    Hello all, Just completed the first build in 10 years and have unfortunately been plaged with a BSOD issue. Specs are: AMD R9 5900X ASUS STRIX X570-E Motherboard 64GB Corsair Vengence PRO 3600MHz (2x 32GB packs) Nvidia RTX 3090FE Sabrent Rocket 4.0 1TB Corsair HX 850W PSU (left over from my...
  20. Timothy Whitehead

    [Help] PC Blue Screening almost every 10-20 mins

    I received my OCuk Pc a couple of weeks ago and over the last few days BSOD has began to happen almost constantly, at random points, mainly just sitting watching Youtube, BSOD, looking at Facebook, BSOD etc. The codes I have got so far are:- APS_INDEX_MISMATCH IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL...
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