oculus rift

  1. Benjamin Noer

    When will the Oculus Rift S be in stock?

    I bought an Oculus Rift S from Overclockers about a month ago as a pre order assuming it would be in stock soon but it still isn't. I'm considering getting a refund on the order and buying it elsewhere if it isn't going to be in stock any time soon.
  2. Paul_RD

    Motion sickness with Oculus Rift - would a newer VR headset be better?

    As the title says, I've got an Oculus Rift and despite trying to persevere, I've never been able to get over the motion sickness part of it. For those of you who have had motion sickness with the Oculus Rift, has getter a newer/different VR headset reduced your motion sickness at all?
  3. hyperseven

    3D printed gun stock (Rift/Vive and WMR)

    Found this superb modular gun stock on Thingiverse. Took a couple of days to print all the parts but I am very pleased with the end result. Very customisable and can be extended by printing more or rail part 2. Just finished printing off the magnetic versions of the controller holders so will...
  4. Born2BSlow

    Paradrop VR

    The company I'm working for recently started shipping these around the world, had to FAT test a unit so I volunteered to have a go just to help out, as you would don't you know. It's a paragliding simulator which uses an Oculus Rift...bloody good fun! Not my worst day at work ever got to...
  5. SupraWez

    Rec Room - General chat, hints and tips

    Hey All, Had a quick search and couldn't find a Rec Room thread. Thought we could use this one for general chat, hints and tips. How many folks here are still using Rec Room, I recall when I first picked up a Rift a few of us had some games in Jumbatron etc. Let me know if we should do a...
  6. hyperseven

    Lone Echo II

  7. ssmacc

    Oculus rift remove minimum spec warning?

    Hello, Has anyone successfully removed the oculus rift remove minimum spec warning? (recently) I've got two rifts one meets the spec and the other - CPU, AMD 8320 is the problem, although overclocked to 8350 speed. It runs all the games I play fine but the warning (on the home screen) is very...
  8. VRFocus

    VRFocus Weekly VR Round-Up (29/06/18): Oculus Save $250M, Disney's Made A VR Short & MUCH More...

    Been a little while thanks to illness and events but here's a round-up of things this week across VR and some AR as well. GAMES NEWS: ARK Park's first free DLC is out, which revolves around flight. Elite Dangerous: Beyond – Chapter Two arrives. The developers of Pokémon GO are buying a...
  9. VRFocus

    VRFocus Weekly VR Round-Up - 18/05/18

    Hi everybody and welcome to the first of our weekly news round-ups here on the Overclocked forum. If you didn't see my message here a few weeks back I'm Kevin E from UK-based immersive tech specialist website VRFocus.com and I'll be popping up each week (hopefully) here with a bit of a rundown...
  10. XavLaSuiteStudio

    PINATAS ROCKETS, new Indie game released for Rift on Oculus Store.

    Hello to everyone in the forum. I'm Xavier Bottet, the president and founder of a new indie game developer: La Suite Studio. We have released last week, PINATAS ROCKETS for the Oculus Rift, on the store: "Everybody loves Pinatas…and Fireworks. It’s party time, and obviously the pinatas are...
  11. roby90_25

    Purchase advice

    Hi guys, I wanna buy a vr headset but i’m not really sure if should i go for an oculus rift at 399 or with a vive at 499.The space where i will play it’s 2mt x 2mt.What advice would you give me. Thank you
  12. sitruz

    8700k upgrade help for VR gaming

    Hi guys, Currently running an i5 rig which is feeling the burn a little so I'm after treating myself to an 8700k now they appear to be more available. I mainly play VR games and I have an MSI 1080 Gaming X so I don't need a graphics card. I'm looking for CPU, Mobo, RAM (16Gb) and the best AIO...
  13. Shamm68

    Budget for Oculus Rift

    Hello all Looking for some advice on building rig to handle an Oculus Rift I already have a pretty powerful PC in my man pit but Im looking to build something for downstairs so my Son can have a go at playing some games. What im after is something budget. A cheap enough case and a good price...
  14. Robo_Recall

    Robo Recall

    Does anyone here play Robo Recall? Essentially we are looking to push the limits of Robo Recall by creating/testing some amazing Robo Recall Mods . I figured this would be a great place to post to see if anyone is interested in potentially beta testing. We are looking for people primarily a...
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