1080p OLED or 4k LCD?

2 Feb 2010
Looking at replacing my 6 year old 46 inch Sony x4500 and I'm eying up the LG 1080p OLED TV which can now be had for under £1200. Now, I can't see 4k being useful for quite a few years yet, so surely OLED is the way to go? I don't really want to spend big money on another LCD and 4k OLED is out of my price range.
That was my conclusion after reviewing a few sets. 55" at the sort of viewing distances I would use it doesn't really show any benefit from 4K. Would much rather have the picture quality of OLED over 4k.
It does depend if you are a gamer as well though. The majority of the OLED screens currently have very poor response times.

Is HDR coming to future 1080p sets or is it 4k only?
I'm not too bothered about response times to be honest. Play the odd ps4 game now and again. Most of my gaming is done on my pc upstairs. I'm definitely leaning towards the 55EC930V oled at the moment.
I bought the 55EC930V a few weeks ago - The first one I had did have a fault but I got it replaced quickly. If you read around there are reports of a few sets having bad tinting issues and some with vignetting and banding although neither of mine suffered with these issues. I still believe I made the right decision with this set instead of a 4K for the same money - the picture is fantastic.
Got my oled TV today, fantastic I have to say :)

They are really good aren't they. How was yours for tint? Have to say after a little bit of basic home calibration, using nothing more than a few test patterns, the picture is better than anything else I have ever seen. It's the black level - makes everything pop so well. Really happy with mine. :cool:
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