10p Android Apps

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Beautiful Widgets
Fruit Ninja
Christmas HD
Flick Golf
Reckless Racing
Star Chart
NFL Rivals

Those are the ones I've seen so far.
You need to search for these apps individually and they should show as 10p. I was just looking down the list for 'top paid' in marketplace and noticed the price of some others had changed.
Yikes, loading up on these is gonna take even more time I haven't got :(
Then again, can you have too many good apps :p
Now I cannot get Flick Golf or Great Little War Game to download or install. Thinking my Desire is broke. Even following the instructions from the developers haven't worked.

Cleared my Market cache, data and rebooted phone but still won't work. It's only 10p so no real love lost but these games look good so wanted to play them.
Apps aren't downloading or installing on my GS2 either, although the transaction has gone through.

Guessing they're busy :)
Ive downloaded 5 yesterday and 3 today, some great offers. Reckless racing wont work on my galaxy nexus :( but works fine on my galaxy tab 10.1 so all is good .
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