in a way now not looking forward to getting my 1st full-time job, as i'll certainly get screw'd over, thanks Gordon. not!
I don't understand why it is only now becoming a big issue. It was announced over a year ago and nobody really bothered. It's made me better off and therefore more likely to vote labour.
I'm inclined to agree - here's what I wrote in another thread on the subject:
One thing I've been absolutely astounded by is the sudden media reaction to this in recent weeks. This was announced over a year ago, but very few people seemed to give a damn at the time. I remember commenting that it seemed totally alien to me that Labour were bringing in such a policy, given that effectively it was hitting the lowest earners.
I'm not going to get into the debate as to the merits of a progressive/regressive tax system, I just find it incredible that people are only now making a fuss, rather than after the budget was announced in 2007 when I was bringing it up. If it is such a crucial and important issue, why weren't more people shouting from the rooftops back then? Heck, even if you concede that maybe it is only the fact that it is actually changing now that has stirred the average man on the street to notice, surely all these polititians on their high horses should have picked up on it at the time if they can even remotely consider themselves to have their finger on the pulse of government
Hey lets punish the poor and make the rich richer. Great
Mainly because most people at the time didn't realise how it effected them!
Simple Brown thinking, the guy lacks the political spin skills that Tony had. He lowered the over tax rate for front page headlines because he thought he was going to call a general election then bottled it.
This was done by removing 10p tax rate which wasn't announced at the budget. To be honest it has only come to light now so if he had fought an election in October his tactic would have probably worked.
I'm a little confused about Working Tax Credit. Do you have to be earning below a certain amount to be eligible?
Er by getting an income tax cut?How do the rich become richer from this move?
Er by getting an income tax cut?
The "rich" aren't really getting any richer it is more that the middle classes are paying a bit less tax. The rich are paying more I believe as the changes to NI start to outweigh the changes to income tax around 40k or so.