£12 "Majority" Freeview box and recorder!

Thanks OP, this has rejuvenated my old Sammy Plasma.

Picture quality is excellent, even SD channels are a lot better than the original tuner with the upscaling.

Utter bargain at £12!
Anything without a hard drive to index will have a faster boot-up time, so you're not really comparing apples with apples when looking at the Majority box versus a typical Sky box with a HDD.

The other thing is that Sky boxes don't get powered off completely unless the mains is disconnected. That's not a very frequent event. Or Al least it shouldn't be. So you're really talking about the box coming out of standby, and that doesn't take long at all. My TV takes longer to do the HDMI handshake in order to display the image.
it’s important anyone on ocuk will tell you that lol people go mad over boot times on computers lol

May be so. But boot times with a PC can be improved with set up and hardware choices. Boot times with Sky boxes and £12 Free view receivers just 'are'. There's not much that can be done to change them other than writing custom firmware, and that's not really practical, is it.
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