120mm Fan

Does look too good to be true but it's thicker I think than most...

the only other one I know that's thicker than normal is the Delta GFB and that shifts over double the air but at nearly 3 times the noise.

Still interesting I'll be watching this thread.
What ever you do, do not get the delta fan, i made the mistake of getting one to use as an exhaust fan for my rig, and it does an amazing job BUT its the loudest thing ive ever heard, its that loud you can still hear it with all the doors and windows closed when outside, so in short yes its a good fan but it sounds like a boeing 747.
There are some thinner versions too:

120x120x25mm - 11dBA - 46CFM Fan
120x120x25mm - 14dBA - 72CFM Fan
120x120x38mm - 14dBA - 60CFM Fan
120x120x38mm - 18dBA - 90CFM Fan

Anad replaced one of these fans onto a Scythe Ninja Plus B

I'll certainly be considering one when I upgrade ~November time

"Measurements are taken in an anechoic chamber from a distance of 1m along each of the 3 axes and a mean is calculated from the readings. Actual noise output may vary depending on the ambient environmental conditions and the amount of obstructions along the airflow path."

Is that a normal way products receive a DB measurement?
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PantsUK said:
can you use a fan controller on those deltas ??? so it can be upped when overclocking testing etc ???
the Akasa AK FC-03 Fan Controller Pro can be used to control a delta fan but you will have to make some modifications to the cables so that it receives power from 2 of the 4 power connectors for fans to ensure you dont overload the fan controller (as shown by my very bad pic) as the deltas are above what the fan controller can handle if connected to only 1 power adaptor(as shown by my very bad pic) http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/15/untitleduk5.jpg (sorry if is against the forum rules, i.e. im using the wrong method of showing an image), then after have it running on the lowest setting so the fan controller does not overheat (or a nice big metal clip or something similar to act as a heatsink if you want to run the delta on full power).
They are known to make specs up like all do but more so lol.

Silentpreview until recently would not rate them, all you can do is get 1 fan and see if your happy with airflow/db ratio.
hikaru452 said:
the Akasa AK FC-03 Fan Controller Pro can be used to control a delta fan but you will have to make some modifications to the cables so that it receives power from 2 of the 4 power connectors for fans to ensure you dont overload the fan controller (as shown by my very bad pic) as the deltas are above what the fan controller can handle if connected to only 1 power adaptor(as shown by my very bad pic) http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/15/untitleduk5.jpg (sorry if is against the forum rules, i.e. im using the wrong method of showing an image), then after have it running on the lowest setting so the fan controller does not overheat (or a nice big metal clip or something similar to act as a heatsink if you want to run the delta on full power).

my delta is loud but not that bad.............. 60mm version cooled my cpu down 20 c so im happy with it and it isnt tht loud when u heard it a few hours u get used to it. at least ill know if the cpu fan ever fails lol
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