Do you think ocuk take every CPU returned under ccr install it in a system load up an os and run a comprehensive set of test to ensure it all works perfectly... How long would that take per cpu an hour, maybe two? That's a about £20 minimum in wages alone just to test a cpu return. Its far more likely that if its not been returned as faulty that they just visually check the cpu and packaging for any damage/ check the model and any serial number to check it hasn't been swapped and put it back on the shelf for 'b' grade sale. There was a recent thread about someone who had been sold a duff cpu that had been sold of a certain rainforest site. It appeared that someone had managed to swap out a 2011-3 cpu for a broken cheaper cpu and this hadn't been picked up when it had presumably previously been returned....
Your right you would not have needed to go back to intel in you scenario but it should have been returned as 'faulty' not 'un wanted' as per ccr
Your right you would not have needed to go back to intel in you scenario but it should have been returned as 'faulty' not 'un wanted' as per ccr