
If I was abit more local Kreeeee I would be down there like a shot to give your Balrog a good hiding. :p

I'll spank you offline too :)

I've improved more in the 4 hours of offline competitive play than I have in 30 hours of online play/offline training mode.
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If you're still hosting in a while, my sister lives in Birmingham - could pop in for a few hours of SF whilst visiting her for lunch (she has two small kids so doesn't want visitors for long) :p?
The offer is pretty much always there :)

Except for every other sunday where I'll be playing SFIV at the local LAN centre, but people are welcome to join me (£3 for 5 hours and plenty of high calibre competition).
I'm going to be heading into Global Gaming (LAN centre in the centre of brum) this weekend if anyone fancies joining me. It's £3 for 7 hours on consoles, £6 for 7 hours on PC's so pretty cheap.
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