
I've sat on an SV650S and an ER6N and they both seemed nice to me.

I would certainly be happy with either.
I saw a very nice Yamaha FZ6 today at a garage.

58 plate, Standard FZ6, 17K miles for £3K.

It was in excellent condition and felt great to sit on. Any thoughts as a first bike and the price for the age/mileage/condition?

There was a 1998 FZ6 at another garage for £1995 with 8.5K miles on it that is quite tempting. It sounded amazing when they started it up.

This also looks interesting within my budget:
2002 FZ6 with 26K miles.

Any thoughts on age vs mileage at this price range? I have seen the first one with someone who knew about bikes and it was in excellent condition.
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The problem with private is there is no buyer protection like there is with a garage if I end up with a lemon.
You're not very specific there :p

It would be useful to know some finer details if you don't mind sharing as I had originally considered an adventure style bike.

e.g Cost, miles and dealer/private?
One thing to point out is that you're buying at the worst possible time of year - when the sun is out. If you do indeed intend to move to Switzerland at the start of the new year you will 'take a hit' as you'd be selling out of bike season. That said don't let it deter you, vehicles are never an investment. When you find the right bike you will know it when you see it, sounds cheesy but it has always been that way for me ;)

I can store the bike at my mothers until spring next year to sell it, or keep it for whenever I'm in the UK!




you can get em cheaper/lower mileage though,that ones bit high price for the miles

That's the bike that got me into bikes, the sounds is immense. But perhaps not for me just yet :p
So I'm looking at this bike tomorrow:

Anything I should look out for in particular, here is my check list so far:
-MOT results and next due
-Tax due
-Tyres last replaced
-Last service and next due
-Have log book (V5C)
-Have manual & service receipts
-He had a HPI check a year ago and still has it, but I will perform another one.
-Reason for sale
-Arranged a test ride (He has a 1 year old baby and getting out of biking)

We have communicated a lot and he sent through a bunch of extra photos. He seems like a nice genuine chap too.
Weight isn't an issue for a chain to use in the underground parking at home, but is there anything you can recommend for portable use?
Looks like that bike needs an MOT in a months time. Would this scare you off at all, would you ask for a price reduction, or would you ask for the MOT to be performed before purchasing?
Had no joy at all with the 1 day insurance, everywhere seems to have stopped doing it :(

I'm viewing it at 1830 tonight, but can't ride pillion unless he swaps the seat back.

I got sent a few more pictures via email:
I do (mother's boyfriend), but I'm not sure on his availability as he's a truck driver and has some interesting shift patterns.
I'll post a full report when I get home, but this sv650s has been cared for by a very nice chap, and will be my first bike!
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