
I don't think I'll have the time. Going to Nordkapp and back will take 14 - 17 days, and I doubt I'll get another Euro pass from my wife after that!
@Kreee - have you seen any of Accidental Broadcasts's videos? He's on Maui, makes some awesome dirt bike videos and lately, vlogs with a biking theme as his bike is away in the US being rebuilt after he hydrolocked it :D

This sounds like a great idea! My 2p:

How long have you been riding for? Just over 7 years
Are you experienced with riding mountain roads? My favourites as I live in between North Wales & Peak District. Done a tour of Scottish Highlands too which were great.
How long would you like to visit for? 4-7 days
How many km's per day would be ideal? 400km. I usually do 300km at least on a normal day
Are you looking to maximise riding time or to experience the views and other activities too? Bit of both
Are you happy to be recorded if all faces and plates are blurred? Why not?
What type of weather/temperature would you like (it reached 38 degrees here last summer)? I'm happy with anything above 15degC
Would you rather stay in a large communal room at my house or hotels/hostels? Communal room
Would you prefer to bring your own bike (if so what bike) or rent here? Would probably ride this on my Versys650 instead of the ZX6R.
@Kreee - have you seen any of Accidental Broadcasts's videos? He's on Maui, makes some awesome dirt bike videos and lately, vlogs with a biking theme as his bike is away in the US being rebuilt after he hydrolocked it :D

Yes, I'm meeting him for 2 days touring volcanoes and forests on Maui.

He's the reason I started motovlogging, although all of his videos got taken offline as he recorded a lot of him riding off road in protected areas.
Would be interested in this for sure.

How long have you been riding for?
4 years

Are you experienced with riding mountain roads?
~1,500KM of mountain roads/passes - Would consider myself a novice in that respect but experienced road rider.

How long would you like to visit for?
5-10 days. (Long ride down from St. Malo so need to factor 2 days or so for that)

How many km's per day would be ideal?
Transit Roads - No more than 300-500Km per day.
Mountain Roads - Highly depends on speed/technicality and road surface.

Are you looking to maximise riding time or to experience the views and other activities too?
Combination of both with a slight steer towards riding time.

Are you happy to be recorded if all faces and plates are blurred?

What type of weather/temperature would you like (it reached 38 degrees here last summer)?
As long as it's dry, don't care.

Would you rather stay in a large communal room at my house or hotels/hostels?
Communal room works, but likewise I am easy with hotels/other.

Would you prefer to bring your own bike (if so what bike) or rent here?
Bring own bike
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I'm 80-90% certain I could - we can't book holiday at work for that time until March of that year but it wouldn't be too hard to get that booked up straight away, and I would 100% be looking to do an Alps trip next summer regardless if I make it there this summer or not.
I understand holidays can't necessarily be booked, so I'm looking to get solid commitments at this point just shy of doing that :)
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I reckon there'd be a few who'd be up for it, the trouble is that it's 15 months away - a lot can happen in that time!!! Money/life/work, it's hard to say 100% yes when it's that far away :D If it was 6-9 months away then you'd get some solid commitments as that's when people get their summer touring plans sorted.

Although, saying that, barring winning the lottery/losing my licence/getting someone pregnant/buying a harley, I'd be a firm yes :D
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I'd be well up for it but not staying in your house though, I'd be happy to book a local B&B or Camp site & treat it as a weekend break/holiday trip with you as my guide once I got there. Does that sound rude of me ? Hope not.
I could have an Epic trip up to yours & book in to my B&B then be up bright & early every morning to meet & go ride out & socialise. :)

Acceptable ? If so I'll answer the questions. :)
I am making this thread to see how many people are seriously interested, and if you could answer these questions it would be very useful for my planning:

Please let me know if there are any more obvious questions I'm missing.

How long have you been riding for? About 5 years this time round I reckon
Are you experienced with riding mountain roads? If the Hills around the UK can be described as Mountains then Yes a little but in reality No not "real" mountain roads & passes
How long would you like to visit for? Same as TallPaul about 3 Full days of biking should be about right I reckon
How many km's per day would be ideal? Don't mind as it will all be new & one big holiday ride for me
Are you looking to maximise riding time or to experience the views and other activities too? Riding time as I'll be seeing the views whilst I'm riding/mooching about
Are you happy to be recorded if all faces and plates are blurred? Of course
What type of weather/temperature would you like (it reached 38 degrees here last summer)? Warm & higher
Would you rather stay in a large communal room at my house or hotels/hostels? Local B&B
Would you prefer to bring your own bike (if so what bike) or rent here? I'd want to ride there as part of my holiday so would be on my own bike but now I think about it I wouldn't mind renting a bike once I'm there, Something new & of similar size/pace as you/others are on then I could have a good play without worrying about it having to get me home

One thing I would say is I would like to have you & those that would be going on my Facebook so that we can get to know each other properly before the trip. As it's such a long way off we have plenty of time to casually get to know what we are all like & what to expect.
Those living in the UK & travelling over could also do a few local Bike meets to familiarise ourselves with each other. Don't worry I'm not looking for any more best mates I just think it would be better to at least know each other before such a big/epic adventure. :cool:

Lastly Good effort Kreeee for suggesting it, Having us over when it does happen & sorting it all out before hand. :)
I need to have a good think about how we communicate before the meet. I only add close friends and family on bookface but I do have my YouTube channel's bookface account I could use for that.
I have my Daughter/Grandkids/Family on my Facebook so understand what you mean & would only be adding those involved in this Trip it's not a free for all page. :)
So is this definite then or are you just testing the water ?

I've got to say I've been thinking about it & it would Epic as we have so much time to get everything so sorted before hand.
Oh this is happening 100%, I even have permission from the boss (wife) and everything!

The dates are set but the fine details of the routes aren't necessarily final, particularly the night in Ticino.
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