1st Bee Rescue 2006

wasps and hornets are very cool too.
they are both great in the garden for catching bugs and aphids and the like. Wasps only look for sweet things in the end of the summer as the midges etc die, trying to make sure queeny gets fed to hibernate for the winter. They do have the worst sting though, and are the more aggressive at the end of the summer.
Hornets are fab and build great nests (DIY designs can be found on google), also eating a lot of flying pests in gardens. yes they are mahooosive, but their sting is very similar to that of a bee in make up as it is made to deter mammals who break in to their nests as they too make honey.
Bumblebees aren't nice when you're caning it on your mountain bike on a tow path and one flies at you and gets you square on in the eye (which at those speeds feels like a searing hot needle jabbing your cornea) causing you to lose sight for a second and braking sharply and falling off your bike either into the canal on one side or the or the thorny bushes on the other.
I instinctively chose the bushes - Preferred many scratches and a bruised leg rather than getting soaked in stinky water!

Remembered to do the smart thing from then on and wear eye protection when cycling.
could you give the styeps needed to save a bee? ive got to admit im kinda intimidated by them... never been stung by one though.
id like to get over that by saving one i suppose... how do u get it onto ** finger ?
and how can u make sure the blighter doesnt sting u ?lol
good thread btw
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