1st build faults

everything is seated right.

sometimes (rarely) the pc shuts off by itself when im in the middle of doing something

ever since iv updated the bios, i dont have to clear cmos everytime i wanna get into windows.

sometimes it does hang, sometimes it doesnt.
SameSuspect said:
i get one beap before anything comes up, most of the time their is no beap, nothing on the monitor what so ever, the monitor led just stays orange.

when it does boot, everything works fine.

all the power connecters are in, everything is in place as it should be. i cant think what it can be, its weird.

Had the very same thing with my parents PC - most of the time the fans and hard drive would spin up, but no beep, nowt. Sometimes it would then just work perfectly!

It gradually got worse and worse, taking as long as 30 mins to get it to boot eventually. Turned out it was the power supply. Ditched the one they had and put in a new Antec and it's worked perfectly ever since.
SameSuspect said:
what power supply

In my folks pc? They had a generic thing which came with the case - it wasn't a particularly powerful system, so didn't need a top of the range supply, and it worked fine for a while.

The new one is an Antec Smartpower. I think it's a 350w, can't quite remember now. Like I said, it's not a powerful system, so it doesn't need anything more than that.
make sure your not using the same rails to power lots of different things ( from the PSU).

spread them out if you know what i mean. and check your board supply. it might have not clicked in ?

and this may sound stupid but is your PSU voltage mode in 240 v? (depending on where you live.
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