2 Jobs, what would you choose...

18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
Basically im in a situation,

Im working at Marks and Spencers at the minute, The job is pretty straight forward, a bit boring at times. but im only planning to work here a short while.

I have a job offer for Nissan, on the production line. This job is seriously mundane, its gotta be... doing the same stuff over and over all day long, and not being able to stop for a wee etc without being timed.

M+S is literally 2 minutes from my house, Nissan is about 6 miles.

M+S pays 5.60ph, Nissan pays 9.10ph.

Do i risk my happiness in Marsies, for the offer of good cash?

How would you approach this?

Im thinking i should just grin and bare the boring work at nissan, and think of the heftier pay packet.
Which one offers better prospects?
Which one offers a future?
Which matters more happyness and money or unhappyness and more money?
mglover070588 said:
go nissan without a doubt. the extra pay is there because the job is boring and repetitive.
the extra pay will make a much better life for yourself :)

Not really. If he absolutly hates it then you start getting stressed out or even depressed. Soon enough he could possibly quit it then what?
Go for the Nissan role. I have a few mates who work for calsonic and they don't grumble too much.

You on the Qashquai line? apparantly it is a complete whore to build.

scorza said:
Nissan no-question. I can't think of anything worse than working in retail.

I do! Working for Nissan! Seriously dude, if it is an extremely repetitive and boring job then you might seriously end up hating it.. due to the nature of my work it can turn quite boring sometimes and when it does it pretty much ruins my day, pay cheque or not :S
Will you walk/cycle there, or will you go by car/public transport?

Because how much of the extra could be used up in travel costs?

If nothing, go for Nissan, especially if you're not going to stay there that long.
Hedge said:
Basically im in a situation,

Im working at Marks and Spencers at the minute, The job is pretty straight forward, a bit boring at times. but im only planning to work here a short while.

I have a job offer for Nissan, on the production line. This job is seriously mundane, its gotta be... doing the same stuff over and over all day long, and not being able to stop for a wee etc without being timed.

M+S is literally 2 minutes from my house, Nissan is about 6 miles.

M+S pays 5.60ph, Nissan pays 9.10ph.

Do i risk my happiness in Marsies, for the offer of good cash?

How would you approach this?

Im thinking i should just grin and bare the boring work at nissan, and think of the heftier pay packet.

Go for Nissan and save up some cash... stick it for a year or so and save. But after that... what are your education/skills and what do you want to do with life? :)
I worked at a few factories after leaving school and although the job was quite boring the laughs we used to have were priceless. Nissan might not be like that but worth a shot, plus more money

thats best part of an extra 500 a month before tax

now thats the sort of money that can make a difference to your life :)

would imagine more OT possibilities at nissan as well
know a few people who have worked for nissan , they say they hate it

if they hated it that much theyd of left by now though ;)

id take the nissan job for the extra money
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