***2014 Powerlifting Totals Thread***

205kg squat PB today vid incoming - got 210kg but didn't get vid, and I think it was a little shy on depth.

Freefaller ----------- 150 / 205 / 240 -------------------- [90] ----- 595
Spinning my wheels at the moment but I've managed 135 / 200(B) / 240(B) @ 100 over the last couple of months without a structured program and poor diet.
I'm actually more proud of this than my regular stuff - 110kg has been a psychological barrier for a while...

120kg rack jerk...

EDIT: Just checked, and there is no listing for a rack jerk. :(
Awesome work mrthingy :) sorry no place for that in the list :p just clean it up now ;)

Also, screw catching that on the way down!

Shall add you in maxeh, although I'm dissapointed in you.
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