***2014 Powerlifting Totals Thread***

Could you add me? Just for a bit of fun I suppose. I'm going to max out next week again so I'll most likely have video evidence then if necessary:

exhashdotdot -------------- 135(S) / 190(B) / 240(B) ------------- [83] ----- 565

That was about 2 and a half months ago. I'm now on 120x5 bench, 180x5 squat and 220x5 deadlift so we'll see what happens.
Begbie---------------- 100 / 150/ 185-------------------- [88] ------435

Only just noticed I hadn't added myself.

Not great progress from last year though!!
Updated all.

Be nice to get some videos of half of these, hardly anyone records them.

Updated mine:
Delvis ---------------- 75 / 110 / 175 --------------------- [93] ------360

should probably add mine for 2014! yeah squats went down quite a bit after stopping 5x5!

grudas ------------- 80 / 125 / 170 --------- [75] ------ 375

will have to give it another shot on benches/squats this week and see if I got any stronger! deadlift PR is quite recent.
OLD: Delvis ---------------- 75 / 110 / 175 --------------------- [93] ------360

New: Delvis ---------------- 75 / 110 / 190 --------------------- [93] ------375

Not the best lockout, something to improve one. Grip was going on my left hand.
Yeah that's the plan, although I'm prioritising front squats at the moment so can't really include that in this table :p
Had no idea overclockers had a powerlifting thread!
Shall get videos asap but here's my pr's for now

Akilleazy -------------------- 120 / 145 / 200(s) -------- [75] ---- Total Weight 460
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