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2080TI FE to 4070 super??

17 Mar 2009
Just wondering if its worth the cost for changing cards. I'm finding conflicting info about the percentage uplift from a 2080TI FE (boosts to 1930mhz) to a 4070. Will it be a notable upgrade from my current card and if so roughly what percantage uplift would I be looking at and is it worth the upgrade (I will sell the 2080TI to part fund the new card if i do swap)? Currently im gaming at 1080p but will be moving to 1440p
I can't say I'd bother upgrading from a 3070 - near enough 2080ti in many cases - to a 4070 especially at the cost they are - I'm not sure how it stacks up in wider benchmarks off the top of my head but in the stuff I play the difference is only 20-30%. Personally my next upgrade would have to be at least 4080 kind of territory but I'm not paying more than about £800 for that so...
I can't say I'd bother upgrading from a 3070 - near enough 2080ti in many cases - to a 4070 especially at the cost they are - I'm not sure how it stacks up in wider benchmarks off the top of my head but in the stuff I play the difference is only 20-30%. Personally my next upgrade would have to be at least 4080 kind of territory but I'm not paying more than about £800 for that so...
To be honest this is where im at. I refuse to pay that kinda of money for a GPU
Is your 2080ti struggling in the games you play or do you just fancy a change? I keep wanting to replace my 1080ti but without spending silly money I don't think i'd get enough of a jump in performance for the money I would need to spend.
The 2080ti should cope ok at 1440p. You might have to drop some settings depending on what FPS your aiming to maintain but you're better off doing that than handing over any of your hand earned money to those crooks at Nvidia and AMD.
A 4070 is barely worth the upgrade and is only around 15% faster than an overclocked 2080ti, I’d recommend a 7900XT if you want a decent bump in performance of around +70%, ideally you don’t want to pay more than £700 for one so I’d wait till Black Friday.

If your set on Nvidia then you’re best off waiting till jan when the super refreshes are supposedly coming, hopefully these will bring back some credibility to the ADA series as everything so far has been extremely lacklustre and barely an improvement over the 3000 series unless you’re spending £1100+
I’m still on a 2080ti, and after trying three 4090’s I am sticking with it.

The performance jump was massive, but so was the amount of coil whine, and no amount of performance is worth that! To me the question is can you get a current gen card which is an upgrade but without coil whine, as most cards seem to report it to some degree.
From 2080Ti, I wouldn't.

I upgraded from a 2070S a couple of days ago and it was worth it but I paid 460 quid for a sealed TUF which is a fantastic performer when it comes to cooling, noise and build quality so I didn't think too long for the price. It'll be even more worthwile after I flog the 2070S.

Plus, it was the only option that didn't require either a PSU upgrade or wonky adapters.
I'm very happy with the performance off a single 8-pin and it's free from the issues you can encounter buying used 3000 series (first-hand experience here:P)

I wouldn't pay retail and I certainly wouldn't switch from a 2080Ti. 7900XT would be a decent upgrade, I think.

If I wanted something more long-term, I'd have most likely picked a 7900XT myself.
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