23 mile skydive!

Would you be able to control yourself with no air resistance? Or would it be a case of float randomly until you get some air around you.
Thanks for the post Sim - saves me having to do it! :D It really makes me want to get back into it again... but I'd never get the chance to do that! So jealous!

Presumably he'll easily hit terminal velocity. Am surprised that terminal velocity is greater than Supersonic though o.O


You hit terminal velocity every jump - that's just the maximum speed you're able to fall at, where the force opposing equals the force pulling you towards to the ground. :)

At those altitudes the air resistance will be little to none, almost vacuum-like, and so breaking the sound barrier is entirely feasible.

Would you be able to control yourself with no air resistance? Or would it be a case of float randomly until you get some air around you.

Not really. I've only jumped from a hot air balloon/helicopter which mimics the first few seconds of what he's doing - i.e. you're falling too slow to have any air resistance and just building up speed initially. Except for him, he'll be in the state for a lot longer, he'll hit atmosphere fairly quickly though, and from that point on, moving in the air is very easy - you can slow down, speed up, move forwards, backwards, slide left and right - however in his suit, his movement will be limited but he should still have some form of control.
haha! Can you imagine the news? UFO spotted above the UK, strong garlic smell, with a faint odour of cheese. Approach with caution, believed to be a sex pest. Easily distracted by way of lumps of iron and firm glutei maximi. :D
haha! Can you imagine the news? UFO spotted above the UK, strong garlic smell, with a faint odour of cheese. Approach with caution, believed to be a sex pest. Easily distracted by way of lumps of iron and firm glutei maximi. :D

What have I told you about personal hygiene? C'mon mate....
haha! Can you imagine the news? UFO spotted above the UK, strong garlic smell, with a faint odour of cheese. Approach with caution, believed to be a sex pest with a painfully waxed chest. Easily distracted by way of lumps of iron and firm glutei maximi. :D

Fixed for you :p
the crazy thing about this, IMO, is that the previous record was set in 1960....

Whilst this jump is amazing in itself I'm in complete awe of the guy who performed a similar feat over 50 years ago given the differences in technology between now and then.
Couldn't agree more Dowie - the previous record has stood for such a long time it's amazing really that it's taken this long for it to come under threat of being beaten.
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