23 mile skydive!

Holy crap lol, as i was watching that i was totally shocked at the rate he fell away from the camera, and when he started tumbling around i had goosebumps, one can only imagine the feelings he felt.
Good press conference although its bailed out. Can't get the stream again.

What a speed!

Going to watch that 10 min clip
Oh no, this is too stupid to ignore. Unless your legs are made of some kind of hyper-accelerated robotics made of unobtainium, there's no way you're going to achieve either escape velocity or de-orbit velocity by jumping off the ISS. If you did have legs that powerful, you'd probably end up destroying the ISS in the process. :D

You obviously haven't done your research about robotics but you are right about not de-orbiting by simply jumping off ISS.
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That happened to everyone, pretty sure as it ended, it certainly felt like they wrapped. It up and it was just a rather abrupt close the channel down. Rather than saying that's the end of the feed

They said beforehand something about a satellite and having to be quick didn't they? I don't think it necessarily finished there, I think we just lost the feed.
I'm pretty sure the part where they couldn't understand what he was saying (one of the first things he said as he was falling) was "I'm at 100000 feet and hauling ass". Either that or "falling fast", but I prefer to think it was the former.
Neil deGrasse Tyson said:
The "Edge of Space" jump: A corresponding fall to a schoolroom globe begins 1 millimeter above its surface. I'm just saying.

Space is so big man!
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