23 mile skydive!

How is it bitter? It was a silly ill thought out comment.
And in this day and age such things should be advertised and filmed, it is a huge achievement that should have a big impact on education in STEM but because of how it was carried out, it has non of that.
I just came in to post about this. I saw an article about it and thought;

"Oh... ok, well done, I suppose. That's quite a big deal which nobody made a big deal about... Odd :/"

Impressive nonetheless :)
Never even knew this was happening until I saw the BBC report.

Now while everything leading up to Baumgartner's Red Bull stunt was a bit OTT, watching the Youtube Stream and seeing a little bit of history happen was at the very least, entertaining.

This on the other hand, with 60 seconds of amateur night video, just didn't inspire or impress me at all. Sorry, Mr. Google Exec.
Never even knew this was happening until I saw the BBC report.

Now while everything leading up to Baumgartner's Red Bull stunt was a bit OTT, watching the Youtube Stream and seeing a little bit of history happen was at the very least, entertaining.

This on the other hand, with 60 seconds of amateur night video, just didn't inspire or impress me at all. Sorry, Mr. Google Exec.

Well that was arguably the point. He didn't want to inspire or impress you, or anyone else for that matter. He wanted to do it for himself, no fuss, no bragging, no showing off, just a personal project for the sake of personal achievement.

He specifically rejected funding from Google so as not to see his personal project turned into a Google marketing exercise.

Sometimes, people just like to do things to see if they can, or what it would be like. Some have enough money to do so on a much bigger scale.
Well that was arguably the point. He didn't want to inspire or impress you, or anyone else for that matter. He wanted to do it for himself, no fuss, no bragging, no showing off, just a personal project for the sake of personal achievement.

He specifically rejected funding from Google so as not to see his personal project turned into a Google marketing exercise.

Sometimes, people just like to do things to see if they can, or what it would be like. Some have enough money to do so on a much bigger scale.

This. Plenty of people would love to do a skydive like this and would if they had the money and most of them wouldn't make a big thing about it. Plenty of records get broken and amazing things happen without video or photos.
Makes Felix look a bit of a pussy..........


His landing was awful compared to Felix.

Felix does this sort of thing for a living, be it BASE, proximity or some other banzai form of parachuting.

This bloke is a more akin to a board room.

Fair play I say.

Contrary to what some are saying, I'm in awe of this. Just because there wasn't a 2 year build up to it, doesn't make it any less spectacular.

The way he went up dangling from that ballon. No cozy capsule! Cool.
Wow someone has reattempted this already and beat his record?

*Goes searching for videos*

I never knew this was even happening?

I will re-read one of the comments above, the Felix coverage was brilliant, you felt tuned in with the live streams, the build up, and the documentary, it was like it was a shuttle launch when back in the early days when it first started out. Load of people were watching it.
I was a bit surprised when they mentioned this on the news yesterday, strange how there was no mention of it until it was done pretty much :p

Good work by that team hough... Wonder if there'll be more attempts to break the record now.
People are upset because they didn't get the opportunity to be bombarded with adverts for Red Bull and GoPro???

It's a strange time we live in.

Im sure one of the bosses of google could have afforded a gopro or 2. And the team muster up a half assed video, he obviosly recorded it so why not do it prooperly?

Who does something super cool these days if there is no cool video to og with it?
Holy crap!

Congrats to him. Seeing the transition from blue sky to dark mesosphere or whatever of the atmosphere he jumped from looked brilliant. I would have been scared to death thinking I'd just start to float in space.

The BBC footage looked rubbish. I want to see the whole thing, dammit!
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