24 Season 6. Anyone else disappointed?

13 Nov 2006
** Day 6 SPOILERS **

The Islamic terrorist storyline gets really old and Jacks screen time seems to have halved this season. I would like to see jack on the run from ctu again.

Any thoughts on this season?
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This series has been my favourite so far.

So many unexpected twists and revelations like Jack's dad....I won't say about that but yeah for those who have seen it, I thought that was brilliant.
6thElement said:
He is about to go on the run ;)

Please tell me that isn't true and I haven't just spoiled what will happen in the rest of the series...

I've not been disappointed by the current season. Each episode still has me gripped, unlike Lost where I find myself wondering why I'm watching a bunch of flashbacks and an episode about two characters who first appeared in it at the start of the season and have already been killed off...
Really not as exciting as it was.
I think it's because a lot of the characters you've built up a knowledge of have been killed off.
Aside from Cloe and to some extent Morris I don't care about anyone in CTU bar Jack.

Bring back Kim I say! ;) :p
I just keep thinking 'I wonder what the twist will be this week'....it is relying on twists rather than a solid well thought out story line to begin with. Rather pointless IMO.
For those who are disappointed with the series...


A major character - almost certainly a dead one and an 'old favourite' - returns in the final scene of the series.

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  • David Palmer
  • Sherry Palmer
  • Secretary Heller
That's who I reckon it could be. Can't think of any one else who would shock the audience though?

I've not checked because I don't want to spoil it, but are these american spoilers or uk spoilers?

I'm only up to date with the UK showing because I'm watching it on Sky HD.

UK Spoilers:

Think all the drama around the president has been pretty poor. Some of it just seems mad and unfeasible even for 24. What's with in the latest episode, Wayne Palmer starts to feel a little ill - Give me some adrenaline! and then he's fine again :confused: not a videogame. Then he takes some more and suddenly his character takes a U-turn and launches the missiles. Sense no make :(
TommoUK said:
I've not checked because I don't want to spoil it, but are these american spoilers or uk spoilers?

I'm only up to date with the UK showing because I'm watching it on Sky HD.

UK Spoilers:

Think all the drama around the president has been pretty poor. Some of it just seems mad and unfeasible even for 24. What's with in the latest episode, Wayne Palmer starts to feel a little ill - Give me some adrenaline! and then he's fine again :confused: not a videogame. Then he takes some more and suddenly his character takes a U-turn and launches the missiles. Sense no make :(

These are spoilers for the end of season - so relate to both USA and UK. these spoilers have NOT aired.
Is it just me that when listening to the start credits still expects the extra bold section,

"The following takes place between 5 AM and 6 AM on the day of the California Presidential Primary"

Where is the UK up to in the season?
6thElement said:
Is it just me that when listening to the start credits still expects the extra bold section,

"The following takes place between 5 AM and 6 AM on the day of the California Presidential Primary"

Where is the UK up to in the season?

Audrey reappeared.
I have to say that actually, I do kinda agree - while it's still a great show, it's kind of lost that edge for me this season. It's the first time in 5 years that I haven't been completely hooked and watching episodes as soon as I can.

Glad to see that that Chinese agent is penned in for some upcoming episodes - he is just awesome, one of the best bitpart characters I've seen. In that previous season where Jack broke into the Chinese Embassy, his detective work was fantastic, nothing gets past him as he went around CTU investigating like Columbo :)

In fact I've always felt that one of 24's strengths is that quite often their 'bad guys' are not your typical Hollywood one-dimensional stereotypes, they have intelligent adversaries for Jack who make interesting characters... take Stephen Saunders from series 3 for example.

One character I do miss is Mike Novik. They've beefed up the political side a little in the last couple of years and he could have been a major player.
Agreed, this season has been week.

Luckily they are doing a new plot for the final 7 episodes or so, might make up for the lacklustre rehash of the islamic terrorist/nuke situation.
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