24 Season 6. Anyone else disappointed?

I also think some of the 'shock factor' has worn off about what Jack is willing to do (sacrifices, torturing suspects/family, executing people etc), and the fact that dispite disobeying orders 999 times he is still welcomed back by CTU all the time is getting less and less plausible. Yeah I know the show is largely based around the action, but there will come a stage where it loses all semblance of credibility.

Personally I think the 24 team have a very talented team of script writers and some excellent characters - maybe the way forward will be to place slightly less emphasis on Jack, although obviously he is the main draw.

Most of the obvious plot lines have been played out now over the 6 seasons, I wouldn't mind them going back in time, do a series based on Bauer's early career, experiences in special forces, how he got involved with CTU etc. If you think about it there's plenty of references in later series (e.g. guys he's worked with/crossed in the past - remember series1 where he gets setup by the Drazens etc? or how he talks about having worked with Saunders?) so it could be developed if some time was put into it. The obvious problem of course would be the fact that he's in his 40s now and getting some of the older cast back might be tough.
HangTime said:
The obvious problem of course would be the fact that he's in his 40s now and getting some of the older cast back might be tough.
There's possibly more "presumed dead" characters due to make a comeback ;)
Trying my best to avoid spoilers, but I thought those who watch the more recent American ones will know who makes a comeback!! Or is there someone else? :confused:

Anyway, I've loving series 6. Episode 4 (Curtis and bomb) was incredible, and the next episode showing the aftermath was really touching. The scene the other week with Palmer and the nuke was damn genius and we still don't know what happened to Logan. Is he dead or in the operating room?

I think it's brilliant, perhaps one of the best.
I feel like cringing when they cut to the behind the scenes Presidential story line , the Vice President just needs to grow a mustache he can twirl whilst staring with an evil glint in his eye at the camera its such a pantomime act; all you need to complete it is some kids shouting "he's behind you" every time he shares a scene with the President.
I agree about the vice president, I want to body slam him through the presidential desk...but that's the whole point of his character.
6thElement said:
There's possibly more "presumed dead" characters due to make a comeback ;)

Maybe, but I'm thinking more along the lines of actors who have got fed up / outgrown the series (Dennis Haysbert, Dennis Hopper & Elisha Cuthbert for starters) rather than necessarily dead characters.

I reckon it would rock if they went back and did the Kosovo stuff which took place before Season 1, with David Palmer, Victor Drazen, Steven Saunders, Teri/Kim Bauer etc, maybe the likes of George Mason / Nina Myers / Mandy involved somewhere too. Loads of plot potential there... maybe we can see how Nina's connection to the Drazens developed? Learn a bit more about the history, what ****** Saunders off so much? See how Jack got connected to CTU type stuff instead of special ops? Learn about Palmer's shady past? But unfortunately I can't see it happening.

The problem of course would be trying to build up the tension/plot twists, when essentially we already know most of the outcomes. Hmmm. Maybe it could be used for a feature film, rather than the standard 24 episodes?
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I certianly hope it is not David as he died with a shot to the head!

If anyone i'd say it would be Tony or Curtis???.

The season started out great loved the first 4 episodes & since then it's gone downhill a lot, most of the twists are right there for you to see straight away (if you have any idea of how 24 works) Jacks dad being part of them wasn't a twist at all i could see it coming from a mile off.

There just seems to be no kind of twists like there was in the other seasons :(
Mattey1 said:
I certianly hope it is not David as he died with a shot to the head!

I'd agree with you if he hadn't actually been shot in the neck.

If this "leaked" info is to be believed then it has to be someone we believe is dead, so saying "it's not going to be <this person> because their dead" doesn't really make much sense, unless their death is undisputable.

Something I just remembered reading awhile ago, another persons theory, was that Jack shooting Henderson was staged so that the Navy kid could witness it. Might seem far fetched but an interesting theory all the same.
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Fubar said:
I'm still waiting for Chase to make a return, I actually quite liked him as Jack's backup guy.

Chase won't return I don't think. Him and the producers had a fall out. They were going to kill him off at the end of S3 , and he was furious when he got his script so he leaked the info to the press, forcing the producers to keep him alive to prove the press wrong. Needless to say his tactic didn't work because they just didn't write him in series 4. :)
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