I also think some of the 'shock factor' has worn off about what Jack is willing to do (sacrifices, torturing suspects/family, executing people etc), and the fact that dispite disobeying orders 999 times he is still welcomed back by CTU all the time is getting less and less plausible. Yeah I know the show is largely based around the action, but there will come a stage where it loses all semblance of credibility.
Personally I think the 24 team have a very talented team of script writers and some excellent characters - maybe the way forward will be to place slightly less emphasis on Jack, although obviously he is the main draw.
Most of the obvious plot lines have been played out now over the 6 seasons, I wouldn't mind them going back in time, do a series based on Bauer's early career, experiences in special forces, how he got involved with CTU etc. If you think about it there's plenty of references in later series (e.g. guys he's worked with/crossed in the past - remember series1 where he gets setup by the Drazens etc? or how he talks about having worked with Saunders?) so it could be developed if some time was put into it. The obvious problem of course would be the fact that he's in his 40s now and getting some of the older cast back might be tough.
Personally I think the 24 team have a very talented team of script writers and some excellent characters - maybe the way forward will be to place slightly less emphasis on Jack, although obviously he is the main draw.
Most of the obvious plot lines have been played out now over the 6 seasons, I wouldn't mind them going back in time, do a series based on Bauer's early career, experiences in special forces, how he got involved with CTU etc. If you think about it there's plenty of references in later series (e.g. guys he's worked with/crossed in the past - remember series1 where he gets setup by the Drazens etc? or how he talks about having worked with Saunders?) so it could be developed if some time was put into it. The obvious problem of course would be the fact that he's in his 40s now and getting some of the older cast back might be tough.