24 Season 6. Anyone else disappointed?

I was very interested in the beginning where they showed how jack struggled to get back into things. But as time went on he just got right back into who he was. Its as if the 2 years in a chinese prison never happened.

I wanted to see him struggle more with things but apparently a man can go right back to it within a few hours.
I definately think it's Tony who may come back now;

Many fans have suggested that Tony's death may have been faked or that he was in a coma. In a recent interview during the promo for Season 6, Carlos Bernard was asked the question "Is Tony really dead?" Carlos replied: "I cannot comment on deaths, or non-deaths, in fact, I can't comment on the show, at all." [2] As well as not being able to tell them what he had been doing or whether or not he had a new pilot or being on screen in the near-future. Also, in a rumored leak, Carlos Bernards contract was apparently supposed to be a seven year deal. However, it is unknown if this contract was an old draft or a final draft.

Also, Bernard has been seen on the set of the currently shooting Season 6 and bystanders say they have seen him shoot scenes [citation needed]. It is possible that his appearance on set could be accounted for by his co-hosting Fox News correspondent Greta Van Susteren's televised November 2006 visit to the CTU set, during which Bernard and 24 executive producer Jon Cassar gave Van Susteren a guided tour.[3] During the Van Susteren interview, both she and Carlos Bernard used the word "alleged" in reference to Tony Almeida's death. Cassar referred to some fans' belief that Tony was still alive, owing to the absence of a silent clock.

What about Logan? We see him crashing in the back of the ambulance and nothing more is said about it....
Something more is said about it down the phone you get told he died.

and outloud in the show it's been said Curtis was dead, thing about Tony is there's little clues that hint towards him being alive, more on Wikipedia.
Jihad said:
Something more is said about it down the phone you get told he died.

and outloud in the show it's been said Curtis was dead, thing about Tony is there's little clues that hint towards him being alive, more on Wikipedia.

Would be good if it was him as they didn't even give him a silent clock and Jack morned him for all of 2 seconds before the end of the episode.

I think season 6 so far has been pretty good but thats partly because i think its unrealistic to expect day 6 to be better than day 5.
Mattey1 said:
If anyone i'd say it would be Tony or Curtis???

i was thinking curtis is still alive, with tony, jack actually said "you murdered two ctu agents, michelle and tony, they were friends of mine" then he blows robocop away..

whereas they've not actually said so far that curtis is actually dead, all bill has said is "you left you no choice etc etc", and jack said to doyle, "i shot my old partner earlier today"
Day 6 is progressing without any reference to Tony, save one. When Jack is interrogating his brother Graem, Graem admits to being responsible for the killings of "Agent Almeida" and "Agent Dessler," along with the assassination of former President David Palmer. Jack did not say Tony's name when he told CTU this, leading to some speculation that Jack knew something that Graem didn't.

More about Tony..
I think the silent clock over ticking is more a case of cinematography rather than being a secret message.

Fact is Edgar barely had time to say "Chloe" iirc before he died very quickly / dramaticaly. Silent clock gave the audience time to have the same "wth Edgar noooo!" feeling that Chloe & JAck had from behind the glass.

Tony's death was dramatic but Jack was there for him, you felt Jack's emotion and Tony's physical pain and,comparatively, a lot happened on camera. Silent clock not necessary as there wasn't really much to dwell over imho.

From a consistancy point of view they should either have a silent clock for everyones death or not at all. No half meassures.
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Smeg4Brains said:
What do people see in this show? i got bored less than half way through season 1, not sure what it was about it but gah just started to hate it. :confused:

Wasn't the problem with series 1 that they only wrote it to last 12 episodes in case it was pulled? Then because it was so popular they did it to 24 episodes.

Watch the rest of the series, then watch a season where the whole 24 episodes have been planned out properly.
[ASSE]Hinchy said:
Wasn't the problem with series 1 that they only wrote it to last 12 episodes in case it was pulled? Then because it was so popular they did it to 24 episodes.

They must have done something right for it to recieve such popularity.
[ASSE]Hinchy said:
Wasn't the problem with series 1 that they only wrote it to last 12 episodes in case it was pulled? Then because it was so popular they did it to 24 episodes.

Can't see that been true at all.

Jack says that it's all filmed in realtime throughout the show, and the show has always been called 24 and not 12.

Think it's just one of those rumours TBH.
I don't mean that. I meant that they prepared the story so that they could end it properly after 12 episodes if it didn't prove to be popular, rather than having to run an extra 12 unpopular unwatched episodes. I'm pretty sure that in the 12th episode, its like a happy ending where he gets his wife and daughter back etc after being kidnapped.
[ASSE]Hinchy said:
I don't mean that. I meant that they prepared the story so that they could end it properly after 12 episodes if it didn't prove to be popular, rather than having to run an extra 12 unpopular unwatched episodes. I'm pretty sure that in the 12th episode, its like a happy ending where he gets his wife and daughter back etc after being kidnapped.

Absolutely true, and not a rumour. :)
markyp23 said:
There is too much of the presidential storyline in this season. It's rubbish.

Not enough Jack.

Did you get to see EP#17 (I believe the latest EP shown on Sky One)? I thought it was the best of the series, and kicks things back into overdrive with Jack :D
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