Rarther not sign up for an 18 month contact just so I can pay more for some mins I'm not even going to use.
Just because you don't use the minutes they give you, no-one else does?
Well, that sure looks like a better deal than 3 months' half price line rental to me. YMMV.
What so have a poor phone for 18 months
Sure, their phone range is not as wide as other networks, but you'd only have a "poor phone" if you chose a "poor phone". And yes, the general idea of an 18 month contract is that you're committed to 18 months.
and have to deal with poor t-mobile signal
Just depends on where you use mostly your phone, doesn't it? I mean, people actually put up with 3 and their coverage/problems make T-Mobile look positively angelic.
just for them to say at the end of the 18 months yes 25% of for life but your going to have to pay £50 for a bottom of the range handset.
What exactly is stopping you from choosing whichever network is offering the best value in 18 months' time? That's what PAC codes are for.
Wait 18 months though, bet I can find any handset cheaper tbh.
You can't be serious. You conveniently forgot to mention that the alternative is, of course, a 12 month contract. In which case, "Wait 12 months though, bet I can find any handset cheaper tbh." to you too.
Spamalot said:
Hmmmm, thats great. So that £26.75 X 18 so thats £481.50 for the 18 months. If you think thats good then your on another palnet.
You might find that
you're the one on another planet. Yes, it
is good value to get the Vario, Co-pilot
and 18 months of Flext35 + unlimited data from handset for £481.50 (though I'm sure there's a handset cost too. My point still stands) - have you seen the SIM-free prices of the Vario? You seem to be forgetting that the £481.50 (+ price of handset) happens to include up to 900 minutes or 1800 texts per month. Try an equivalent calculation on a different network's tariff.
For the record, I'm not related to T-Mobile in any way (neither as a customer nor employee), but it doesn't take one to see that their deal is roughly equivalent to what 3 did a few years ago, i.e. groundbreaking. I'm not quite sure what your problem is, but no-one is forcing you to buy a T-Mobile contract.