I did have some bad experiences with the GD65 as well. Using the Control Center II interface, I decided to go a bit "hog wild" and see what pushing a bunch of the voltages up would net me with the system. While none of the voltages were pushed into the "red," I did end up pushing a lot of these up at the same time. This resulted in a corrupted SSD. Not only did it kill my OS, it killed SSD as well that now only shows as a 8MB drive....down from 80GB. MSI has gone back and done some testing on this, and thinks that my high PCH voltages was likely the culprit but has not been able to prove it. The bottom line to take away from this is that pushing all these voltage up will do you little or no good anyway when it comes to overclocking. Talking to ASUS about this, it told us that VCCIO was the only voltage adjustment outside of vCore that it saw to make a difference, and that VCCIO is related directly to RAM overclocking, not CPU overclocking. So all in all, I do not know if wildly pushing the board's voltages had something to do with the SSD failure, or it was just a coincidence, but I think it was my fault for doing things that needed not be done. All in all, get a K series CPU, and scale the multiplier and vCore a tiny bit and enjoy 4.4GHz. And do it all from the OS.