27" monitor recommendation to pair with 5090

It has arrived!


I currently have one hand/arm at the moment… can’t even really use a mouse for gaming, so it may be some time (days) before I share my thoughts. My wife has kindly agreed to help me set it up :o :p
It has arrived!


I currently have one hand/arm at the moment… can’t even really use a mouse for gaming, so it may be some time (days) before I share my thoughts. My wife has kindly agreed to help me set it up :o :p
Let me know what you think of it when you get chance to use it, please. This one is still top of the list for me right now.
@Jasseh as promised an update on how I've got on, with snaps. Excuse the mess in the images we've been decorating and with one fully usable hand for the moment I'm unable (or, too lazy) to properly tidy my desk :)

In a nutshell, my goodness this monitor looks good.

The initial unveiling.... eeesh - mirror or what?

Fortunately head-on and switched-on there really isn't any concern even with the curtains open. Phew.

From the side.... eesh! I think this monitor would be unusable if it faced a window. Really do think about the light sources in your room because any overhead lighting is going to be a nightmare.

The first test was a bit of Leon and... damnnnn. Lookin' sharp, stranger!

Later on I tried out the classic HDR LG vid... very cool.

Behold the inky blacks to end all inky blacks :eek: :cool:

Going into more details...

The 'reflection worry' of a QD-OLED is real - this sort of monitor would be a nightmare if the sun or a light was bouncing back into your eyes. You'd be better off with a W-OLED (which is less reflective). In my use case, the monitor is far enough away from the 'wall with a window' so that no reflections occur. But you can see how painful it could be in the above pics.

The so-called 'purple hue / tint' - tbh I didn't really notice this at all, even with the curtains open and some light on the screen. Maybe there is a little bit of purple in that Resident Evil 4 photo but I think this could be exaggerated by the camera. Total non-issue for me. Blacks are looking very black. That Elden Ring screen looks amazing huh?

The proximity sensor is fab although if you sit really still and have it short on short time / range settings it might not detect you're there. It switched off when I was sat in front of it playing a game with a controller in my lap (sitting like a statue with arms below my desk). Using a mouse and keyboard I doubt this would happen. Easily remediable - just set a longer 'distance' or 'time'. It's currently on a 'no movement for one minute = off' mode as I slowly type this post and no issues.

What's a little weird and unexpected is that the image quality is so good that, in a weird way, it can bring out the flaws in textures in a way that's not really observable on other monitors. I anticipate that 'TAA smear' will look like Vaseline on this monitor. If you look at a game at an angle you might think "WOW!" but then up close in a gaming position is just becomes 'a game'... sort of. Hard to explain! :D

As for size, you can get an idea of how it sits on my massive desk from the photos. For 3rd person games, I did find myself bringing the monitor towards myself... probably reflecting how most people sit with their 32" 16:9 screens. But as soon as I put Subnautica and Indy Jones on... blergh! Move it away, move it waaaaaay back... before I throw up. I simply can't handle any first person perspective games on a bigger screen, so this was the right choice for me. I might get myself a monitor arm to make moving it around a little easier.

VRR flicker... I haven't encountered this yet, but not spent long with it. I'll post on the forum if it occurs.

I'm not an expert but the HDR seems great. I didn't take a snap but I booted up the training level of Hitman WoA (the 'boat') and the sun shining onto the camera was really bright and life-like. Even my wife couldn't help but be impressed. Subnautica looked equally awesome even though I don't think it has HDR support. Brilliant.

Sadly, I'm slightly put off going into epic gaming sessions for now as I'm still rocking a 3090... 5090 will be here in a couple of weeks hopefully so I'll do some more updates then.

I hope all of this rambling helps one way or another... somehow :confused: :D

Bonus thanks to @Baddass for his very detailed review which I read ahead of purchasing... if you want a proper review then look at that link.
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@Jasseh as promised an update on how I've got on, with snaps. Excuse the mess in the images we've been decorating and with one fully usable hand for the moment I'm unable (or, too lazy) to properly tidy my desk :)

In a nutshell, my goodness this monitor looks good.

The initial unveiling.... eeesh - mirror or what?

Fortunately head-on and switched-on there really isn't any concern even with the curtains open. Phew.

From the side.... eesh! I think this monitor would be unusable if it faced a window. Really do think about the light sources in your room because any overhead lighting is going to be a nightmare.

The first test was a bit of Leon and... damnnnn. Lookin' sharp, stranger!

Later on I tried out the classic HDR LG vid... very cool.

Behold the inky blacks to end all inky blacks :eek: :cool:

Going into more details...

The 'reflection worry' of a QD-OLED is real - this sort of monitor would be a nightmare if the sun or a light was bouncing back into your eyes. You'd be better off with a W-OLED (which is less reflective). In my use case, the monitor is far enough away from the 'wall with a window' so that no reflections occur. But you can see how painful it could be in the above pics.

The so-called 'purple hue / tint' - tbh I didn't really notice this at all, even with the curtains open and some light on the screen. Maybe there is a little bit of purple in that Resident Evil 4 photo but I think this could be exaggerated by the camera. Total non-issue for me. Blacks are looking very black. That Elden Ring screen looks amazing huh?

The proximity sensor is fab although if you sit really still and have it short on short time / range settings it might not detect you're there. It switched off when I was sat in front of it playing a game with a controller in my lap (sitting like a statue with arms below my desk). Using a mouse and keyboard I doubt this would happen. Easily remediable - just set a longer 'distance' or 'time'. It's currently on a 'no movement for one minute = off' mode as I slowly type this post and no issues.

What's a little weird and unexpected is that the image quality is so good that, in a weird way, it can bring out the flaws in textures in a way that's not really observable on other monitors. I anticipate that 'TAA smear' will look like Vaseline on this monitor. If you look at a game at an angle you might think "WOW!" but then up close in a gaming position is just becomes 'a game'... sort of. Hard to explain! :D

As for size, you can get an idea of how it sits on my massive desk from the photos. For 3rd person games, I did find myself bringing the monitor towards myself... probably reflecting how most people sit with their 32" 16:9 screens. But as soon as I put Subnautica and Indy Jones on... blergh! Move it away, move it waaaaaay back... before I throw up. I simply can't handle any first person perspective games on a bigger screen, so this was the right choice for me. I might get myself a monitor arm to make moving it around a little easier.

VRR flicker... I haven't encountered this yet, but not spent long with it. I'll post on the forum if it occurs.

I'm not an expert but the HDR seems great. I didn't take a snap but I booted up the training level of Hitman WoA (the 'boat') and the sun shining onto the camera was really bright and life-like. Even my wife couldn't help but be impressed. Subnautica looked equally awesome even though I don't think it has HDR support. Brilliant.

Sadly, I'm slightly put off going into epic gaming sessions for now as I'm still rocking a 3090... 5090 will be here in a couple of weeks hopefully so I'll do some more updates then.

I hope all of this rambling helps one way or another... somehow :confused: :D

Bonus thanks to @Baddass for his very detailed review which I read ahead of purchasing... if you want a proper review then look at that link.
Thanks for this, and the additional linked review. I've placed my order now, fingers crossed for an earlier delivery than their 2nd April ETA (assuming you bought from the same place?).

Ignore the mess. I'm thinking I'll switch to my gaming monitor being on the right (the one that currently has screen burn, can't see it yet today):

Work screen on the left, middle screen daisy chained off that by DP. Primary in the middle, running HDMI from my PC due to the work one needing to use the only DP connection. Right screen only connected to my PC, via DP.
Raised the desk off the drawers slightly about 18 months ago to hide the work laptop.
@Jasseh yeah I ordered on 21 Jan, the first day it was available for pre-order so I was probably first in the queue! But it arrived ahead of the ETA so yes you might get yours sooner :)

.... I do feel slightly better about my own messy desk now :D

You'll probably want to make sure that your RGB isn't going to shine on the screen, could exacerbate the 'purple hue' issues. I wouldn't worry though, you can just dim the RGB / turn it off it it's an issue!

Let us know how you get on :cool:
@Jasseh yeah I ordered on 21 Jan, the first day it was available for pre-order so I was probably first in the queue! But it arrived ahead of the ETA so yes you might get yours sooner :)

.... I do feel slightly better about my own messy desk now :D

You'll probably want to make sure that your RGB isn't going to shine on the screen, could exacerbate the 'purple hue' issues. I wouldn't worry though, you can just dim the RGB / turn it off it it's an issue!

Let us know how you get on :cool:
I moved some stuff away for the photo too lol. I need to deal with selling my old PC parts so I can get rid of all the boxes in the corner, not sure which ones will be useful yet so none have gone to recycling.

I tend not to turn my room RGB on much, and the RGB in the case is behind the monitor with the angle it is at. Hopefully that means it won't be an issue :).
@Jasseh as promised an update on how I've got on, with snaps. Excuse the mess in the images we've been decorating and with one fully usable hand for the moment I'm unable (or, too lazy) to properly tidy my desk :)

In a nutshell, my goodness this monitor looks good.

The initial unveiling.... eeesh - mirror or what?

Fortunately head-on and switched-on there really isn't any concern even with the curtains open. Phew.

From the side.... eesh! I think this monitor would be unusable if it faced a window. Really do think about the light sources in your room because any overhead lighting is going to be a nightmare.

The first test was a bit of Leon and... damnnnn. Lookin' sharp, stranger!

Later on I tried out the classic HDR LG vid... very cool.

Behold the inky blacks to end all inky blacks :eek: :cool:

Going into more details...

The 'reflection worry' of a QD-OLED is real - this sort of monitor would be a nightmare if the sun or a light was bouncing back into your eyes. You'd be better off with a W-OLED (which is less reflective). In my use case, the monitor is far enough away from the 'wall with a window' so that no reflections occur. But you can see how painful it could be in the above pics.

The so-called 'purple hue / tint' - tbh I didn't really notice this at all, even with the curtains open and some light on the screen. Maybe there is a little bit of purple in that Resident Evil 4 photo but I think this could be exaggerated by the camera. Total non-issue for me. Blacks are looking very black. That Elden Ring screen looks amazing huh?

The proximity sensor is fab although if you sit really still and have it short on short time / range settings it might not detect you're there. It switched off when I was sat in front of it playing a game with a controller in my lap (sitting like a statue with arms below my desk). Using a mouse and keyboard I doubt this would happen. Easily remediable - just set a longer 'distance' or 'time'. It's currently on a 'no movement for one minute = off' mode as I slowly type this post and no issues.

What's a little weird and unexpected is that the image quality is so good that, in a weird way, it can bring out the flaws in textures in a way that's not really observable on other monitors. I anticipate that 'TAA smear' will look like Vaseline on this monitor. If you look at a game at an angle you might think "WOW!" but then up close in a gaming position is just becomes 'a game'... sort of. Hard to explain! :D

As for size, you can get an idea of how it sits on my massive desk from the photos. For 3rd person games, I did find myself bringing the monitor towards myself... probably reflecting how most people sit with their 32" 16:9 screens. But as soon as I put Subnautica and Indy Jones on... blergh! Move it away, move it waaaaaay back... before I throw up. I simply can't handle any first person perspective games on a bigger screen, so this was the right choice for me. I might get myself a monitor arm to make moving it around a little easier.

VRR flicker... I haven't encountered this yet, but not spent long with it. I'll post on the forum if it occurs.

I'm not an expert but the HDR seems great. I didn't take a snap but I booted up the training level of Hitman WoA (the 'boat') and the sun shining onto the camera was really bright and life-like. Even my wife couldn't help but be impressed. Subnautica looked equally awesome even though I don't think it has HDR support. Brilliant.

Sadly, I'm slightly put off going into epic gaming sessions for now as I'm still rocking a 3090... 5090 will be here in a couple of weeks hopefully so I'll do some more updates then.

I hope all of this rambling helps one way or another... somehow :confused: :D

Bonus thanks to @Baddass for his very detailed review which I read ahead of purchasing... if you want a proper review then look at that link.
I notice the Nvidia Gsync sticker on left monitor stand. I thought its not a Gsync screen? (Usually only native Gsync have the sticker)
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I notice the Nvidia Gsync sticker on left monitor stand. I though its not a Gsync screen? (Usually only native Gsync have the sticker)

No, it doesn’t have a ‘native gsync module’ so far as I’m aware.

From what I gather, VRR flicker was a thing before OLEDs… and around that time ‘native gsync’ was the best fix for it at lower frame rates.

OLEDs are more susceptible to VRR flicker, but separately the ‘software-based gsync tech’ - and ‘freesync’ - have improved dramatically.

In all cases, VRR flicker is caused by erratic frame rate swings… which should be avoidable with sensible settings / decent GPU.

Noting the combination of these things, I’m really not sure of the current material relevance / benefit of having a native g-sync model monitor.

I’ll try some ‘dark games’ this week and see what happens.
Appreciate your mention of the purple blacks stuff - looks like a total non-issue on that monitor

Hmm I should probably mention that my windows do have a film on them for privacy (we’re a little overlooked) - basically the same effect as a police investigation room mirror. You can see out but you can’t see in!

This makes all the rooms in my house a little ‘darker’… as well as a little cooler when there is a day of hot sun.

It’s a super grey day today but when it’s sunny this week I’ll open the windows to increase the brightness and have another reassessment.

We currently don’t have ceiling lights (electrics issue) so I can’t immediately replicate what they would be like… but once sorted I’ll post that too :)
Hmm I should probably mention that my windows do have a film on them for privacy (we’re a little overlooked) - basically the same effect as a police investigation room mirror. You can see out but you can’t see in!

This makes all the rooms in my house a little ‘darker’… as well as a little cooler when there is a day of hot sun.

It’s a super grey day today but when it’s sunny this week I’ll open the windows to increase the brightness and have another reassessment.

We currently don’t have ceiling lights (electrics issue) so I can’t immediately replicate what they would be like… but once sorted I’ll post that too :)
I'll be in the opposite scenario when mine eventually arrives. My PC setup is in the basement with very little natural light. My ceiling lights are "Govee 30cm RGBWW + RGBIC Smart Ceiling Light", so I can tweak the colour/brightness settings if I have any issues there at least.
I did just have my first run in with VRR flicker - this was in a menu for Red Dead Redemption 2, in which I was clocking around 45 fps (for some reason - was around 60 on the benchmark with settings maxed + DLSS Quality). It was a subtle strobing effect. At least I have seen it now with my own eyes.

In game, I went with settings where I was averaging about 100FPS, but variable (no ceiling cap, beyond the 116 FPS cap I had set in NVCP... which I didn't hit). No VRR flicker in the game.

My word the game looked sharp. Sharp sharp sharp! Can't wait to smash it with a 5090 :D

(cc. @Spikey )
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I did just have my first run in with VRR flicker - this was in a menu for Red Dead Redemption 2, in which I was clocking around 45 fps (for some reason - was around 60 on the benchmark with settings maxed + DLSS Quality). It was a subtle strobing effect. At least I have seen it now with my own eyes.

In game, I went with settings where I was averaging about 100FPS, but variable (no ceiling cap, beyond the 116 FPS cap I had set in NVCP... which I didn't hit). No VRR flicker in the game.

My word the game looked sharp. Sharp sharp sharp! Can't wait to smash it with a 5090 :D

(cc. @Spikey )
Thanks mate, menu flicker I can cope with!
I think I’m going to grab whichever 4K 27” 240hz is available first, kicking myself for not grabbing one when it was available a few months back!

The Asus model does look great and the images from @Nitefly are great. Wondering when we’ll see the Alienware model available in the UK too. Still tempted to throw a pre order in for the Asus one as April isn’t that far off.
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