28 Years Later Trilogy



11 Oct 2003
This movie has been rumoured for a while but it looks like it may be finally getting some traction. It has been posted by the Hollywood Reporter that this movie is in development. Danny Boyle and Alex Garland will be back to work on this and possibly trilogy of sequels. I hope its true, its been one of my favourite movies in this genre.

I was wondering recently - there seems to be a campaign pushing 28 Weeks Later lately, so I had my suspicions.
The next movie was always going to be rumoured 28 months later to continue the sequence but I think since it has been 20 odd years later from the original and this could be start of a new trilogy they opted with a new start.
I've just looked, I do have it, must have had it for years. Surely I can't have not watched it. [/rhetorical question]

I'd be surprised if you haven't. Just rewatching both of them now. Still decent despite their age.
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Loved the first film and Alex Garland but honestly nowadays id be happy to never see anything zombie related ever again.

It’s truly been done to death, the genre has nothing left to give as far as I’m concerned. It’s a baron unoriginal waste pit of a genre where creativity goes to die and has been like this for yonks

I think only superhero films are lamer.
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I'm sure they can make 3 sequels.

But if they said one new film I'd have higher hopes that they had decent material and weren't beating a dead zombie for cash.
I guess 28 years later makes sense, what with the original film being 22yrs old. Shame 28 months later never happened when it was supposed to.
This is one of the very first times we saw "fast infected" which is what really makes this so stand-out. All we'd seen before were lumbering zombies where you wondered how anybody ever managed to get caught. The first time you saw those "Rage Infected" sprint.......
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