28A on 12v rail

Very true, mite have to consider the Seasonic, whats the Ampage on the 12v rail then? For the 600W and 500W one? Also do you think the 500W would power my system sufficently with headroom available also.
fornowagain said:
S12-600 36A/432w@12v
S12-500 33A/396w@12v

With the XTX I'd get the 600W. But there's not much in it tbh.

Hmz, mite have to if i get enough money, better than my Hiper 420W neways ;)

So what are you running? Psu wise with your sig.
fornowagain said:
PC Power & Cooling. Arguably the best power supply in this power range. Check the spec, nothing comes close for power regulation.


Not cheap and as rare as hens teeth. You pays yer money and takes yer choice.

Yes, a weeee bit pricey ;) But obviously good...But the Seasonic 600W shall do me good yes? Will the 500W do just as good orrrrr? Duno, never had any trouble with my current Hiper one thats all...Then again this system im running is slightely lower spec :)
Remember that an overclocked XTX can use 12A@12v all on it own. With an overclocked dual core and those amps can pile up. Its always good to have a little extra, but the S12-500 would run the rig no problem. But if you add something later?
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Very true :)

Im just worried about racking my dads electricity bill up :rolleyes:

And decreasing my bank balance a hell of a lot.... :p

Ill try and get the 600W i guess, if i cant afford it, ill just have to stick with the 500w for now, or atleast a fair while :P

Like i said, i may add a sound card and another hdd for all i know, VERY unlikely about the hdd, as i intend to buy a 250gb or so, and i still havent filled this 80gb up yet, had it three years :) hah.

Thankyou for your input, has been helpful...Now to flog the stuff im currently running :S
Delvis said:
Very true :)

Im just worried about racking my dads electricity bill up :rolleyes:

And decreasing my bank balance a hell of a lot.... :p

1> A 600w uses no more than a 500w with the same load.

2>Ah, yeah. That's PC's for ya. It get real expensive at times. :p
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