2D gaming is the future.

21 Oct 2002
Sounds like 3D gaming is going to have to be a next gen thing


Away from individual perceptions and back to the cold hard realities of performance and controller response, there's little doubt that 3D impacts the core experience of playing Black Ops. What you gain (or don't gain, depending on the individual's viewpoint) from the 3D effect you lose in terms of controller response and frame-rate. Bearing in mind that the COD experience is built upon razor-sharp arcade-quality latency, it's difficult to avoid the conclusion that the gameplay in 3D just isn't as good as it is in conventional 2D mode. On both versions of the game there's often a sense that you're wading through treacle, almost as if you're battling the control scheme to get some semblance of the response you get from playing in 2D.

The 3D version of Black Ops on PS3 really isn't very satisfying at all, unfortunately. The 2D game already operates with a clear performance deficit in comparison to the 360 version and the additional drag factor of rendering for both eyes can impact playability immensely at times. We've logged the PS3 game running as low as 20FPS - and that's just in the very first street battle in the initial Cuba level.
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One thing I'll say is that when the PS1 and Saturn were released, as good as they were, I was disappointed that all of a sudden almost everything had to be in 3D, just because they could. It was a shame that we finally had a console that could pretty much pull off anything in 2D. Anything that had been half attempted up untill then (letterboxed games etc) but we dived straight into 3D.
2d platforming gaming was better than anything that ever came out 3D wise. Anyone who disagrees is wrong.

As for 3d FPS games I'm not fussed until I don't have to wear glasses.
2d platforming gaming was better than anything that ever came out 3D wise. Anyone who disagrees is wrong.

Do you mean a 3D setting or modern 3D viewing? Because I'd dispute your idea that no 3D game has been better than a 2D game, and I think just about everyone would.

dannyjo22 said:
As for 3d FPS games I'm not fussed until I don't have to wear glasses.

Yeah, I'd agree with that.
Even no glasses 3D tvs will require twice the processing power for two images.

Ive seen 3D TVs that dont require glasses, they are a long way from being commercially acceptable IMO.
Even no glasses 3D tvs will require twice the processing power for two images.

Ive seen 3D TVs that dont require glasses, they are a long way from being commercially acceptable IMO.

Cinema grade 3D is still crap, to be honest, so we've a very long way to go yet.
I think that this will come into effect with the next generation of consoles, its still in its infancy and the current console hardware just cant handle it

I've been debating whether or not to get a 120hz monitor and i've decided not to and wait for it all to mature for a bit, I honestly think it will take off and will be a big part of the next consoles, I think it will sell a lot of displays and TV's but not just yet
I brought my ps3 to work today to try out CoD Black Ops, in 3D its horrbile, the effects are good, but the Gfx are poor, its slow and makes it really hard to play.

Watching Avatar the film tho in 3D on the 50VT20 is amazing, much better than the cinema version.
You wanna see my 3D projector setup... at 4K and on 3 walls and a ceiling :cool:

What will be nice is glasses/or a headset for head tracking to change your point of view based on head movement.
I honestly hope that 3D isn't pushed onto the gaming crowd. The PS3 is touted as being a true HD console yet nearly all of the games released on the platform are 720p and the console has little to no upscaling to 1080p meaning most images look fuzzy or blurry on a 1080p screen, the 360 has a decent upscaler but even that really isn't a substitute. I would much rather they actually pushed as far as they can with 2D before trying to cram yet more in without properly finishing the work they have already started.
I didn't notice the issues on the 3D beta, I preferred it to 2D but mainly that was because of the initial wow factor.
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