2TB EPICNESS! Seagate ST2000DM001 for £66.66inc - Save 20%!

I have one and wouldn't recommend it due to the "clicking/chirping" sound it makes on a seek.

When you first hear it (some users also describe the problem in their reviews), you will think the drive is dying or scratching against something.

It does work fine and I have had no problems with it, but it's very unnerving every time I hear it.

Try this, gets rid of the chirp noises.
So very tempted to store the general stuff... just lost a hard drive.
Maybe if there's a good deal when I next have money.
Good deal though
picked one of these up to replace an old dead 500gb maxtor drive. hopefully be here 2moro so i can install win 8 on it.
Had one of these arrive this morning to replace an aging 250GB drive that was being used for torrents. I expected it to be noisy from some posts but so far it's been completely silent.

Updated the firmware before i did anything then transferred ~150GB worth of torrent files over and started up uTorrent. I haven't heard a single noise from the drive in 2 hours of maxing the upload on my 100mb virgin, the old drive used to crunch away but this one is utterly silent :D
Aye, got mine yesterday and no dodgy acoustics so far.

With the increase in warranty it looks like they may now be getting better drives coming out of their rebuilt factories. That or they have almost a years worth of data to know failure rates aren't abnormally high that they can now extend it to 2 years.

I've transfered about 1.5TB accross to it. Stayed on the shipped firmware cc43. Transfer speeds are a little lower than I was anticipating, but im probably spoilt by my ssd. From its thickness the drive also looks to be a triple platter.

Edit: For anyone whose curious about their performance.

HD tune bench of the seagate 2TB

Sudden drop in performance halfway through the 2nd run not repeated in any others (I took a few to see if it was a common occurance), but figured id include it anyway.

and for reference my Hitachi 1TB drive from 2010.
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