300bhp per ton RWD car as first car?

Who cares? It's not a signed death warrant if you drive fast cars, even if you're young.

Just because they're capable of high speeds and fast cornering doesn't automatically entail that you're obliged to act like a complete loon every ten seconds.

Hell, my first car was a bloody handful and the new one's twice as fast to 60, I'm not in anyway comparing it to the aforementioned 4 second blazer, but I've driven them since/before I took my test and never had any trouble?

I think he'll be just fine! Hell, he could buy something slow and lethargic and spin out in it and write it off, so why not do it in style :D

Bloody impractical though!
I think it can even work in reverse, so to speak. Especially if he's built it himself. The car will probably be given a lot more respect than a rustbox would and be driven accordingly.
I passed my test towards the end of 95 and was given a 92 Meastro Diesel van the following March (Quick old thing!). It had 34K when I was given it and when I gave it back 12 months it said 74ish K miles. I'd like to think those miles are the reason why I'd like to think I'm a reasonable driver (common sense wise rather than performance driving wise IYSWIM) 10K in 3 years isn't that much tbh. I've only done 20K in my scoob in 42 months of ownership :)

Anyway, being given a performance car at an early age is considered a recipe for disaster. However there are exceptions to the rule. He might be ok, or he might end up in a hedge. Depends on the lads character IMO.
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MNR Vortx RT+

Very nice car...

I say go for it, but don't even think about driving it in the wet...

One More Solo said:
As has been said, it's about the driver's mentality, not the power of the car. How else do idiots manage to stack 1.1 Saxos?

Agree with this fully, I've driven a 270bhp Evo II and 350bhp Skyline R32 GTR regulary at the age of 18-19 without any problems, it's all down to the driver's mentatlity.
hehe dont be jealous Olv....


The vortx is among the best handling cars in the world... its ultra light weight means that braking and cornering are beyond comprehension (especially on the tyres i run) for most people...

In terms of that side of safety, I think you would be even less likely to crash one of these than a sensibly driven evo/scoob... (both of which it would pain on the track)..

Howver, if the other idiot hits you, you may as well be on a motorcycle for the protection you will have... side impact = death!!!

Bear that in mind if you are looking for road use...

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I went from a 200cc scooter to a 150mph Kawasaki 900 without any accidents, so the performance won't necessarily kill him, it depends on his attitude.
It depends on attiture, but I would say the only real limiting factor here is practicality. What if you wanted to go away for the weekend?
Basically it will be a toy. It'll probably do a few thousand miles a year, and as such i couldn't give a hoot for practicality :p

It'll be garaged most of the year when i'm at uni so it'll mostly come out to play in the summer. I appreciate everyone's opinions, and i trust myself enough not to jump straight in it and drive it like a complete knobber (got to build the thing first :D)
he will be fine aslong as he isnt an idiot

i jumped from a 1.5d corsa to a impreza turbo at 20, then to supra tt at 21

ive been driving nearly 4 years only do 5k miles a year,,

drive the car accordingly and you shouldnt have any problems.
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