I have used XP64 since pretty much the week it came out.
Sure at teh very beginning, I had some driver issues, USB Modems and WebCams and my Printer, but since then, I am now using a router, and have got rid of my old C42 ( Which is actually now supported by the way ) and a new WebCam.
To use Driver support as an excuse is complete ignorance.
I have only one game that does not work in 64Bit, and thats WarHammer Fire Warrior, but 100% of all my software works better in 64Bit than it does in 32
To even consider going back to 32Bit after about 5 or 6 years ( Not timed it ) of me using 64Bit would be a bloody retarded thing to do!
Even asking such a question, I am afraid is really confusing?
I suppose the fact that 32Bit software is still being written is also addign to the confusion, but there you go... They have to support the slackies dont they?