Sorry to revive my thread nearly a year later.
My last post was indeed the end of my troubles... so much so that I decided to purchase another 16gb of RAM and now I'm experiencing the problem again.
I can get 3 sticks running at full 3200, any slot, any stick.
But as soon as 4 sticks are in my system ends up in a booting loop. This can only be fixed by dropping the frequency down to 2933.
I had already increased the RAM voltage to 1.39
I changed load-line calibration for both CPU and SOC to extreme.
And SOC voltage' a positive offset of +0.175v.
These settings fixed my problem before.
Do these settings need changing now that I have more ram?.
Any help will be most appreciated.
If you do this, remove the offset from the SoC voltage. Stepping down to 2933, you should be fine on the Auto settings. Also mem voltage will be fine at 1.35v.
It also slows the Infinity Fabric from 1600 to 1467MHz, but I've done a lot of benching, and the difference in real terms is negligible.
Rather that than a PC which crashes all the time...
make sure Gear Down Mode/GDM is set to On/Enabled. Have you done anything with the primary and secondary timings?
I ended up dropping the frequency to 2966mhz and putting the dram voltage to 1.37v.
It's been stable now for about a month and a half.