3200 Mhz RAM, causing freezing at stock.

RAM has been running at 2933 for some time now. I updated my bios two weeks ago but as you said there is already a new update, so I have updated it and will see how it goes.
Once its working dont update Bios at all...... Just leave it unless you absolutely need something that is 100% supported in the next Bios revision.
They released a bios update that fixed that small issue.
My CPU and GPU are currently overclocked and my RAM is running at full clock speed.
I have yet to have a crash and the only real change was I did a fresh Windows installation on a new SSD.
Maybe with a new motherboard, gpu, etc I should have done a fresh installation all along, or maybe my old SSD has some issues?.

Other changes (incase anyone stumbles upon this thread with the same issue).
I increased the RAM voltage to 1.39
I changed load-line calibration for both CPU and SOC to extreme.
And SOC voltage' a positive offset of +0.175v.

I don't know if any of those things have anyting to do with it, but I have kept those settings on the bios even after the fresh windows installation.

I have run 3DMark ultrafirestorm stress test and passed with 99%, Heaven benchmark has been run for hours and is fine. Also been running The Division 2 on ultra, 4k for a few hours a night and no issues.

Fingers crossed this is the end of the issue, thanks for the help guys.
Sorry to revive my thread nearly a year later.
My last post was indeed the end of my troubles... so much so that I decided to purchase another 16gb of RAM and now I'm experiencing the problem again.

I can get 3 sticks running at full 3200, any slot, any stick.
But as soon as 4 sticks are in my system ends up in a booting loop. This can only be fixed by dropping the frequency down to 2933.

I had already increased the RAM voltage to 1.39
I changed load-line calibration for both CPU and SOC to extreme.
And SOC voltage' a positive offset of +0.175v.
These settings fixed my problem before.

Do these settings need changing now that I have more ram?.
Any help will be most appreciated.
Its probably down to the IMC on the 2700x if thats the chip your still running.

2933 is still a decent compromise.
Sorry to revive my thread nearly a year later.
My last post was indeed the end of my troubles... so much so that I decided to purchase another 16gb of RAM and now I'm experiencing the problem again.

I can get 3 sticks running at full 3200, any slot, any stick.
But as soon as 4 sticks are in my system ends up in a booting loop. This can only be fixed by dropping the frequency down to 2933.

I had already increased the RAM voltage to 1.39
I changed load-line calibration for both CPU and SOC to extreme.
And SOC voltage' a positive offset of +0.175v.
These settings fixed my problem before.

Do these settings need changing now that I have more ram?.
Any help will be most appreciated.

Welcome to my world... The memory controller cannot handle 4 sticks at 3200, I'm in the same boat. Keep DOCP enabled, but in the speed selector box in BIOS, set it for 2933.

I've tried and tried to get 4 sticks stable at 3200, but it just ain't happening. (My sig contains a minor porky-pie...)
If you do this, remove the offset from the SoC voltage. Stepping down to 2933, you should be fine on the Auto settings. Also mem voltage will be fine at 1.35v.
It also slows the Infinity Fabric from 1600 to 1467MHz, but I've done a lot of benching, and the difference in real terms is negligible.

Rather that than a PC which crashes all the time...
If you do this, remove the offset from the SoC voltage. Stepping down to 2933, you should be fine on the Auto settings. Also mem voltage will be fine at 1.35v.
It also slows the Infinity Fabric from 1600 to 1467MHz, but I've done a lot of benching, and the difference in real terms is negligible.

Rather that than a PC which crashes all the time...

This currently seems to be the best option. At first I thought my new ram was faulty but turns out memtest would freeze randomly with the frequency at 3200. At 2933 it passed after 9 hours with no errors.

make sure Gear Down Mode/GDM is set to On/Enabled. Have you done anything with the primary and secondary timings?

I've never enabled gear down mode and it appears to be on AUTO. I haven't changed any secondary timing, but I did test the ram at 3200 by entering the primary timings manually instead of auto, but no luck.
Have you tried this DoneADougalOnSofa?
Gear down should enable automatically for any ram on amd that's running above 2667, you can check its enabled in ryzen master but I'm guessing it will be.

I think you will just have to make do with 2933 for the time being until you upgrade the CPU which should then enable you to run at the XMP speed of 3200.
@JasonOrme Yes, I've tried Safe and Fast settings (from the Ryzen DRAM Calc program), gear down enabled, disabled, everything.
Even DOCP (slower timings than either of these) is not stable at 3200.

It may be possible to actually slow the primary timings to say c16 or c18 and then maybe you might get it to play at 3200, but it'd be a faff, and I have a feeling it wouldn't bring any real benefits.

I'm quite happy at 2933, in everyday use it makes no difference whatsoever. Maybe a handful of points in a benchmark, but meh. I potter round the internet and play the odd game. Does me fine!
I don't even need 32GB, so I could just take two sticks out again, but it's a bit pointless.

May well chuck a 3000 or 4000 series into mine at some point.
So now since fitting my ram and keeping it at 2933 I've been encountering some strange behaviour.

Programs I install wont open. Some say they have corrupted and need to be reinstalled.
One exe even opened up a different program.
Destiny 2 crashed with a corrupted binary error.
Installs seem to freeze.

And I've had a few different bsod.

I formatted my drives and did a fresh installation of windows 10 but got bsod either during or after installation.

Could this be caused by faulty ram?.

At first I thought it was a problem with my SSD but Samsung magician says the ssd is healthy with no errors.

Currently running memtest86.
Ran it for 9 hours with all 4 sticks and it crashed before It could finish.
So I'm currently doing one stick at a time in the same ram slot.

Very confused.

Try setting ram to 1.37v, and SoC a +0.1v offset.

As for Windows going haywire, it's not a symptom I've encountered, but it's most likely related.
We need to get that Ram stable as a primary goal.

Might be worth disabling DOCP and just run at stock 2133 for now, just to get Windows installed and FULLY updated. (Once it's finished, click check for updates again!).

It could be you've got one of those kits that just doesnt like the 2700X. My first choice didn't work, I had to buy different stuff in the end.
Hopefully not the case here.

Are you in latest BIOS?
I have the same type of memory, except ive got the 32gb kit. The system is ok at stock settings with the RAM at 2133Mhz but if i enable the XMP 3200MHz profile the system wont boot. DOCP 2933Mhz does work so ive had to settle at that.
Looks like my Win 10 Boot USB is damaged.
I created a new Win 10 Boot on a different USB stick and so far no BSOD with this installation.
I also memtested all 4 sticks of RAM and all were fine.

I'm currently just using 1 stick of 8GB at the moment.

One thing I did notice was my first 2 sticks from a year ago are identical to the new 2, apart from my old ones say ver 4.32 and the new ones say ver 5.32.
Hi !!
Let me join this topic as I'm having a problem much similar to the one Jason mentioned.

I have 4 sticks of 8gb Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2B3200C16 on a ASUS PRIME B450M-A mobo and a Ryzen 5 2400g cpu, and a Seasonic MKII EVO 750w

After several tests I managed to let 2 sticks work at 3200Mhz, BUT as soon as I said "ok, let's buy two more and have 32gb" and I put them in place... the system didn't boot and restarted like 3 or 4 times auntil showing me an error message of No Post or somthing like that, and after entering the BIOS again I see the mem is back on 2133Mhz...

so, two questions:
- Is 4 sticks so much different from only 2?
- I have used (without much experience) the Ryzen RAM Calculator and the Tiphoon to get the information, set this up in the BIOS and had an awfull time, first without even booting (had to Clear CMOS), and then having the same restarting loop that I mentioned before.

- should I try to set more voltage to RAM? Can that cause the system to not boot anymore?

Thanks in advance
I ended up dropping the frequency to 2966mhz and putting the dram voltage to 1.37v.
It's been stable now for about a month and a half.

I've tried every freq on 1.35v... the one time I've set the V up 1.36 I don't know why my pc didn't boot until I did a clear CMOS

could it be a problem having 4 sticks of the same ram instead of just 2 ?
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