Why not just tell MS that it has 3RROD? I doubt very much they check when it gets back to the factory just because of the volumes they deal with.So effectivly your just bolting the thing together abit harder?
Ive read some comments about reflowing the board in the oven, how do i go about that, is that before or after the clamp work?
God dammit, switched it off and on again and now its working!?
I would go down the sale of goods act route myself (well I would probably just lie and say it RROD and send it back). You have to expect a bit of a fight to get it repaired or replaced under SOGA though and not veryone can be bothered.So whats the deal with sale of goods act and why are Microsoft exempt from it ?
never understood this whole well it's past 12 months have to pay to get it fixed thing what am I missing ?
Well ive stripped it apart, what do people think about just swtiching it on without the fans connected, after you have done the x clamp fix to reflow the solder.
TBH im scared of putting it in the oven lol.
lol..umm tasty, tho which ones are the memory chips?