360 red lights

7 Nov 2004
On another planet
i just got went to boot my 360 just over 2 days old and i got three lights showing up witch suggests hardware failure.i have the 360 flat and the 3 lights was top,left,bottom and turned off and turned back on again and seems to work fine now.Is this common for 360s to do this?
Mine did a single red light with a contact Microsoft screen, turned it off and back on worked great for a few weeks now, i can only assumed it crashed.
this was black screen on boot i got no error screen,a lot of people are telling me to take it back to shop and get it swapped as it will prob DIE :( Gutted
I feel for you mate, the first time I switched mine on I got 4 red lights, lets just say I had'nt read the manual and proceeded to **** myself, luckily after reading the manual I found out the AV cable was'nt inserted fully.
Hope you manage to get it swapped over, aparently Microsoft are pretty quick at exchanging them.
I had the same thing a few days back; three red lights. Spoken to MS, and DHL dropped of the box the very next day. Will be sending mine back. I would suggesting getting it swapped rather than hope it doesn't go wrong again mate.
Theres a fair few 360's getting problems now, making me weary about getting a one now, Game said they are getting a good amount in the next week or so, so i left my name and number for when they do, hopefully they may be a later revision or something, mind you my mates aint died yet, and hes on it non stop, about 10hrs a day, and i got me nephews a one for christmas, and that ones ok still to, but i would send it back just to be on the safe side, as it could well happen again, and then thats it, dead this time. :(
well i think i will take mine back to store and ask for a swap if they have them in stock.i bought the xbox with a game so i wounder if they will give me cash back for the game and console if they have no consoles left as there is no point me sitting with game?.
check the FAQ at the top mate, there's more information about it in there :)

Should help you out
well i think i will take mine back to store and ask for a swap if they have them in stock.i bought the xbox with a game so i wounder if they will give me cash back for the game and console if they have no consoles left as there is no point me sitting with game?.

It'd be best/easier to get hold of MS and get them to swap it. 3/4 day turnaround so I've read.
Its not a 3-4 day turnround, my mates died after 15 mins and they said it will take 14 days from the time he recieves the box, luckily game swopped it for him.
Firestar_3x said:
Mine did a single red light with a contact Microsoft screen, turned it off and back on worked great for a few weeks now, i can only assumed it crashed.

Mines done that around 7 times now (Bottom Right light). Just a restart sorts it for me.
I got a core system on launch day and have experienced the red lights when i got a HDD, however, i reseated it and it worked. That continued for about 4 - 5 cold boots and now i get no problems apart from the occasional crash in pgr3 and q4, due i think to having the guide button pressed when a game is about to start
Tried&Tested said:
I had the same thing a few days back; three red lights. Spoken to MS, and DHL dropped of the box the very next day. Will be sending mine back. I would suggesting getting it swapped rather than hope it doesn't go wrong again mate.

Mine did the same and was swapped. You say it crashes in PGR; it really shouldn't.

My advice is get it swapped via MS asap; it's not as bad an ordeal as all that.
i've had 3 red rings of death twice now.
and im pretty sure its something to do with my Joytech VGA cable not beeing plugged in snuggly enough from time to time.
maybe the error "hardware failure" is confusing the xbox. :confused:
happend twice since launch day.
time to worry is when it dies and dies only i guess....
movingtables said:
i've had 3 red rings of death twice now.
and im pretty sure its something to do with my Joytech VGA cable not beeing plugged in snuggly enough from time to time.
maybe the error "hardware failure" is confusing the xbox. :confused:
happend twice since launch day.
time to worry is when it dies and dies only i guess....

All 4 lights would determine a VGA error, e.g lead not plugged in. 3 lights does mean a hardware problem, if you keep getting the error then phone microsoft. There's lots of information about the errors you keep getitng, in the FAQ at the top.
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