Now when i say this i'm trying very hard to avoid offending people, this is not a fanboy comment as the aforementioned xbox exclusive was not programmed by microsoft in any way and the studio that made it are notorious for leaving games unfixed but here we go....
Fable 2. Dear god that game was buggy, i've just played it through and over a year after release there are still several massive bugs to watch out for. For example i had to redo an entire quest (a long one at that) because the guy at the end of it outside the crucible wouldn't talk to me. Add to that several other bugs such as my character getting stuck in some form of default pose like you see in developer videos (arms out at length, legs straight down) twice, which required a restart of the game and several other niggles and i knew i was playing a lionhead game.
Would i rather have a several hundred MB patch to fix those things? Of course.
Again i'm not saying that it's anything to do with either console, it's more the fact that i like to see big patches that make major alterations to the game (for the better). I mean look at Killzone 2, the control scheme for that game was overhauled three times just to appease the fanbase and all sorts of other alterations and balance fixes have been applied over the past few months.