4 Day Week

I already work this way. I do a 3 days on 3 days off shift pattern working 12 hour days. It works well for some people but not well for others, and it would be the same for other businesses too.

I sure as hell wouldn't like to see it mandated though, more and more red tape is the quickest way to ensure jobs are lost known.
A few years back we changed our hours from 9am-5.30pm to an 8.30am start in exchange for finishing at 3pm on Friday.

I end up working late at the office most days anyway so I'd happily work from 8am to 6.30pm in exchange for Fridays off completely.
Dolph said:
I already work this way. I do a 3 days on 3 days off shift pattern working 12 hour days.
I see your 3 on, 3 off and raise you a 4 on, 4 off. Yay for 4 day weekends! :D
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